reseller ['ri:selə]  


reseller  ['ri:selə]

n. 中间商,转销商;长途业务分销商 


Ren Zhengfei, a former soldier who worked for 10 years in China’s Army Engineering Corps, founded Huawei as a reseller of telecommunications equipment in 1988. 任正非,曾经担任中国国防部陆军工程兵10年,于1988年建立了华为公司,使其作为电信设备的销售代理商。
The manufacturer and reseller can each keep their existing technology platforms while they integrate their business processes to drive operational efficiency and return on investment (ROI). 制造商和分销商在集成业务流程以促进运营效率和提高投资收益时,仍然可以保留现有的技术平台。

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  • n. 中间商,转销商;长途业务分销商
  • 1. Ren Zhengfei, a former soldier who worked for 10 years in China’s Army Engineering Corps, founded Huawei as a reseller of telecommunications equipment in 1988.


  • 2. The manufacturer and reseller can each keep their existing technology platforms while they integrate their business processes to drive operational efficiency and return on investment (ROI).


  • 3. Polls the purchase order queue, which contains purchase orders sent by the reseller.


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