replica 英 [ˈreplɪkə]   美 [ˈrɛplɪkə]


replica  英 [ˈreplɪkə] 美 [ˈrɛplɪkə]

n. 复制品,复制物 


This time, suppose you define one replica shard. 这一次,假设您定义一个复制碎片。
For example, you might have a synchronous replica on another machine in the same data center, and an asynchronous replica on a machine in another data center. 例如,您可以在同一个数据中心的另一台机器上选择同步复制,而在另一个数据中心的机器上选择异步复制。

  • A replica of something is a close — sometimes exact — likeness. The "Mona Lisa" that you bought at the department store is not the original but a replica of Leonardo da Vinci's masterpiece. Sorry, but you can always take it back.
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  • n. 复制品,复制物
  • 1. This time, suppose you define one replica shard.


  • 2. For example, you might have a synchronous replica on another machine in the same data center, and an asynchronous replica on a machine in another data center.


  • 3. Another advantage is that this solution can handle cascading failures of application servers, which is only possible with more than one replica in a memory to memory configuration.


  • replica (n.) 1824, from Italian replica "copy, repetition, reply," from replicare "to duplicate," from Latin replicare "to repeat," in classical Latin "fold back, fold over, bend back," from re- "back, again" (see re-) + plicare "to fold" (from PIE root *plek- "to plait"). Properly, a copy of a work of art made by the original artist.
rep·lica / ˈreplɪkə ; NAmE ˈreplɪkə / noun a very good or exact copy of sth 复制品;仿制品 a replica of the Eiffel Tower 埃菲尔铁塔模型 The weapon used in the raid was a replica. 抢劫案中使用的武器是一件仿制品。 replica guns 仿制的枪支 replica replicas rep·lica / ˈreplɪkə ; NAmE ˈreplɪkə /
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