replacement 英 [rɪˈpleɪsmənt]   美 [rɪˈplesmənt]


replacement  英 [rɪˈpleɪsmənt] 美 [rɪˈplesmənt]

n. 更换;复位;代替者;补充兵员 


replacement of sugar in your diet can be difficult. 在你的饮食中更换糖肯定是困难的。
Next you determine the replacement costs of each tangible asset for a specified period of time (usually a year). 接下来您确定每种有形资产在特定时期内(通常为一年)的更换成本。

  • A replacement is the thing that fills in for something that's missing, or the act of substituting for the missing thing. The replacement for your absent teacher is an annoying substitute. Sigh.
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  • n. 更换;复位;代替者;补充兵员
  • 1. replacement of sugar in your diet can be difficult.


  • 2. Next you determine the replacement costs of each tangible asset for a specified period of time (usually a year).


  • 3. It is similar to Listing 7 in that it replaces a fixed string, but the trick is that the replacement itself for the fixed string becomes the fixed string the next time.

    它与清单 7 的相似之处在于它替换了固定字符串,但诀窍在于替代该固定字符串的字符串本身在下次替换时又成了固定字符串。

  • replacement (n.) "act or fact of being replaced," 1790, from replace (v.) + -ment. Meaning "something that replaces another" is attested from 1894.
re·place·ment / rɪˈpleɪsmənt ; NAmE rɪˈpleɪsmənt / noun 1 [uncountable ] the act of replacing one thing with another, especially sth that is newer or better 替换;更换 the replacement of worn car parts 汽车上旧零件的更换 replacement windows 新换的窗子 2 [countable ] a thing that replaces sth, especially because the first thing is old, broken, etc. 替代品;替换物 a hip replacement 人工髋关节 3 [countable ] replacement(for sb) a person who replaces another person in an organization, especially in their job (尤指工作中的)接替者,替代者 We need to find a replacement for Sue. 我们需要找一个替代苏的人。 replacement replacements re·place·ment / rɪˈpleɪsmənt ; NAmE rɪˈpleɪsmənt /
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