- A regatta is an organized series of boat races. In a regatta, yachts or sailboats usually participate, but some regattas focus on rowboats or powerboats.
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- n. 赛舟会;平底船比赛
1. It became the driving force behind the IBM regatta servers, which allowed for logical partitioning.
它成为 IBM Regatta 服务器的内在驱动力量,并支持逻辑分区。
2. Kennedy had been competing in a regatta off Martha's Vineyard, one of a cluster of Massachusetts islands.
3. The shift is reflected in a racier side of the regatta, an annual event on the Moscow River.
- regatta (n.) 1650s, name of a boat race among gondoliers held on the Grand Canal in Venice, from Italian (Venetian dialect) regatta, literally "contention for mastery," from rigattare "to compete, haggle, sell at retail." [Klein's sources, however, suggest a source in Italian riga "row, rank," from a Germanic source and related to English row (v.).] The general meaning of "boat race, yacht race" is usually considered to have begun with a race on the Thames by that name June 23, 1775 (see OED), but there is evidence that it was used as early as 1768.
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