redshift ['red,ʃift]  


redshift  ['red,ʃift]

n. [天] 红移;红向移动 


The power of this massive cluster telescope has allowed astronomers to detect a galaxy at the distant redshift of 5.58. 这巨大质量星系团望远镜的强力使天文学家探测到了一个红移5.58的遥远星系。
After all, only with the correct parameters that convert redshift to position would the reconstructed distribution be spherical. 毕竟只有在正确的将红移变换为位置的参数下,重建结果才会是一个球形。

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  • n. [天] 红移;红向移动
  • 1. The power of this massive cluster telescope has allowed astronomers to detect a galaxy at the distant redshift of 5.58.


  • 2. After all, only with the correct parameters that convert redshift to position would the reconstructed distribution be spherical.


  • 3. The amount of redshift they found that appeared to be caused by gravity agreed exactly with the predictions of general relativity.


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