recede 英 [rɪˈsi:d]   美 [rɪˈsid]


recede  英 [rɪˈsi:d] 美 [rɪˈsid]

v. 远去;减弱 

进行时:receding  过去式:receded  过去分词:receded  第三人称单数:recedes 

The sound of the truck receded into the distance. 卡车的声音渐渐在远处消失了。
She watched his receding figure. 她看着他的身影渐渐远去。

  • Recede means to pull back, retreat, or become faint or distant. Flood waters recede, as do glaciers, and even abstractions like "panic" and "hope." Think "receding hairline." (That means bald.)
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  • v. 远去;减弱
  • 1. The sound of the truck receded into the distance.


  • 2. She watched his receding figure.


  • 3. The prospect of bankruptcy has now receded .


  • 4. The pain was receding slightly.


  • 5. a middle-aged man with receding hair , a middle-aged man with a receding hairline


  • recede (v.) early 15c., from Middle French receder, from Latin recedere "to go back, fall back; withdraw, depart, retire," from re- "back" (see re-) + cedere "to go" (from PIE root *ked- "to go, yield"). Related: Receded; receding.
re·cede / rɪˈsiːd ; NAmE rɪˈsiːd / verb 1 [intransitive ] to move gradually away from sb or away from a previous position 逐渐远离;渐渐远去 The sound of the truck receded into the distance. 卡车的声音渐渐在远处消失了。 She watched his receding figure. 她看着他的身影渐渐远去。 2 [intransitive ] (especially of a problem, feeling or quality 尤指问题、感觉或特质 ) to become gradually weaker or smaller 逐渐减弱;慢慢变小 The prospect of bankruptcy has now receded (= it is less likely). 破产的可能性现已减少了。 The pain was receding slightly. 疼痛正在一点一点地减弱。 3 [intransitive ] (of hair 头发 ) to stop growing at the front of the head (头顶前部)头发停止生长,变秃 a middle-aged man with receding hair/a receding hairline 发际后移的中年男子 4 [intransitive ] a ~ chin a chin that slopes backwards towards the neck 向后缩的下巴 recede recedes receded receding re·cede / rɪˈsiːd ; NAmE rɪˈsiːd /
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