reason 英 [ˈri:zn]   美 [ˈrizən]


reason  英 [ˈri:zn] 美 [ˈrizən]

n. 理由;理性;动机  v. 推论;推断 

进行时:reasoning  过去式:reasoned  过去分词:reasoned  第三人称单数:reasons  名词复数:reasons 

the reason for crying 啼哭的原由
I'd like to know the reason why you're so late. 我想知道你为什么迟到那么长时间。

  • A reason explains why you do something. The reason you go to school is to learn things (and because it's the law).
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  • n. 理由;理性;动机
  • v. 推论;推断
  • 1. the reason for crying


  • 2. I'd like to know the reason why you're so late.


  • 3. She gave no reasons for her decision.


  • 4. He said no but he didn't give a reason.


  • 5. She resigned for personal reasons.


  • 6. We have every reason to feel optimistic.


  • 7. I can't get her to listen to reason.


  • 8. Why can't they see reason?


  • 9. She reasoned that she must have left her bag on the train.


  • reason (n.) c. 1200, "intellectual faculty that adopts actions to ends," also "statement in an argument, statement of explanation or justification," from Anglo-French resoun, Old French raison "course; matter; subject; language, speech; thought, opinion," from Latin rationem (nominative ratio) "reckoning, understanding, motive, cause," from ratus, past participle of reri "to reckon, think," from PIE root *re- "to reason, count."
  • reason (v.) early 14c., resunmen, "to question (someone)," also "to challenge," from Old French raisoner "speak, discuss; argue; address; speak to," from Late Latin rationare "to discourse," from ratio "reckoning, understanding, motive, cause," from ratus, past participle of reri "to reckon, think," from PIE root *re- "to reason, count." Intransitive sense of "to think in a logical manner" is from 1590s; transitive sense of "employ reasoning (with someone)" is from 1847. Related: Reasoned; reasoning.
rea·son / ˈriːzn ; NAmE ˈriːzn / noun , verb reason reasons reasoned reasoning noun 1 [countable ] a cause or an explanation for sth that has happened or that sb has done 原因;理由;解释 reason(why…) I'd like to know the reason why you're so late. 我想知道你为什么迟到那么长时间。 Give me one good reasonwhy I should help you. 我为什么要帮你?给我一个充分的理由。 reason(that…) We aren't going for the simple reasonthat we can't afford it. 我们不去,只是因为我们负担不起。 reason(for sth) She gave no reasons for her decision. 她没有对她的决定作出任何解释。 reason(for doing sth) I have no particular reason for doubting him. 我没有什么特别的理由怀疑他。 He said no but he didn't give a reason. 他说不行,但没有说明原因。 For some reason (= one that I don't know or don't understand)we all have to come in early tomorrow. 出于某种原因,我们大家明天都不得不早点来。 The man attacked me for no apparent reason. 那个人不知何故攻击我。 She resigned for personal reasons. 她出于个人原因而辞职。 For reasons ofsecurity the door is always kept locked. 为了保证安全,门总是锁着的。 He wants to keep them all in his office for reasons best known to himself. 他想把他们都留在他的办公室里,原因只有他自己知道。 people who, for whatever reason,are unable to support themselves 那些因为种种原因不能自立的人 ‘Why do you want to know?’ ‘ No reason.(= I do not want to say why) “你为什么想知道?”“不为什么。” ‘Why did she do that?’ ‘She must have her reasons.(= secret reasons which she does not want to tell) “她为什么那么做?”“她一定有她的理由。” ( formal) He was excused by reason of (= because of)his age. 他因为其年龄而得到原谅。 language bank at therefore 2 [uncountable ] a fact that makes it right or fair to do sth 正当理由;道理;情理 reason(to do sth) They have reason to believe that he is lying. 他们有理由认为他是在撒谎。 We have every reason (= have very good reasons)to feel optimistic. 我们完全有理由感到乐观。 reason(why…) There is no reason why we should agree to this. 我们没有理由同意这点。 reason(for sth/for doing sth) This result gives us all the more reasonfor optimism. 这个结果使我们更有理由保持乐观。 She complained, with reason (= rightly),that she had been underpaid. 她抱怨给她的报酬太低,是有道理的。 3 [uncountable ] the power of the mind to think in a logical way, to understand and have opinions, etc. 思考力;理解力;理性 Only human beings are capable of reason (= of thinking in a logical way, etc.). 只有人类才有理性思考的能力。 to lose your reason (= become mentally ill) 丧失理智 4 [uncountable ] what is possible, practical or right 道理;情理;明智 I can't get her to listen to reason. 我没法跟她讲道理。 Why can't they see reason? 他们为什么不明事理? to be open to reason (= to be willing to accept sensible advice) 愿意听好言相劝 He's looking for a job and he's willing to do anything within reason. 他在寻找工作,而且只要是正当的事他都愿意做。 IDIOM it ˌstands to ˈreason ( informal) it must be clear to any sensible person who thinks about it 这是人人都清楚的;这是明摆着的 It stands to reason that they'll leave if you don't pay them enough. 这是明摆着的,你不给他们足够的报酬,他们就走人。 more at rhyme n. verb 1 [transitive ,  intransitive ] reason(that…) | + speech to form a judgement about a situation by considering the facts and using your power to think in a logical way 推理;推论;推断 She reasoned that she must have left her bag on the train. 她断定准是把包落在火车上了。 They couldn't fire him, he reasoned. He was the only one who knew how the system worked. 他推断他们不会解雇他。他是唯一知道这套系统如何运转的人。 2 [intransitive ] to use your power to think and understand 思考;理解 the human ability to reason 人的思考能力 PHRASAL VERBS ˌreason sth ˈout to try and find the answer to a problem by using your power to think in a logical way 通过思考想出对策 SYN figure out ˈreason with sb to talk to sb in order to persuade them to be more sensible 和某人讲道理;规劝 I tried to reason with him, but he wouldn't listen. 我尽量跟他讲道理,可他就是不听。 SYNONYMS 同义词辨析 reason explanation grounds basis excuse motive justification pretext These are all words for a cause or an explanation for sth that has happened or that sb has done. 以上各词均指事情发生或做某事的原因、理由、解释。 reason a cause or an explanation for sth that has happened or that sb has done; a fact that makes it right or fair to do sth 指某事发生或做某事的原因、理由、解释、正当理由、道理: He said no but he didn't give a reason. 他说不行,但没有说明原因。 explanation a statement, fact or situation that tells you why sth has happened; a reason given for sth 指解释、说明、阐述: The most likely explanation is that his plane was delayed. 最可能的解释是他的飞机晚点了。 She left the room abruptly without explanation. 她未作解释就突然离开了房间。 grounds ( rather formal) a good or true reason for saying, doing or believing sth 指说、做或相信某事的充分理由、根据: You have no grounds for complaint. 你没有理由抱怨。 basis ( rather formal) the reason why people take a particular action 指原因、缘由: On what basis will this decision be made? 将基于何种原因作出这一决定呢? excuse a reason, either true or invented, that you give to explain or defend your behaviour; a good reason that you give for doing sth that you want to do for other reasons 指为自己行为所作的辩护、借口、理由: Late again! What's your excuse this time? 又迟到了!你这次有什么借口? It gave me an excuse to take the car. 这使我有理由开车去了。 motive a reason that explains sb's behaviour 指动机、原因: There seemed to be no motive for the murder. 这起谋杀案看不出有什么动机。 justification ( rather formal) a good reason why sth exists or is done 指事物存在或做某事的正当理由: I can see no possible justification for any further tax increases. 我看不出还能提出什么理由来加税了。 grounds or justification? 用 grounds 还是 justification? Justificationis used to talk about finding or understanding reasons for actions, or trying to explain why it is a good idea to do sth. It is often used with words like little, no, some, every, without,and not any. *justification 用于找出或明白做事的理由,或解释要做的事,常与 little、no、some、every、without 和 not any 等词连用。 Groundsis used more for talking about reasons that already exist, or that have already been decided, for example by law. *grounds 多用于已存在的原因或已决定的﹙法律等﹚根据: moral/economic grounds 道德/经济原因 pretext ( rather formal) a false reason that you give for doing sth, usually sth bad, in order to hide the real reason 指为掩盖做某事(通常为不好的事)的真正理由而找的借口、托辞: He left the party early on the pretext of having to work. 他借口有事要处理,早早离开了聚会。 PATTERNS (a/an) reason/explanation/grounds/basis/excuse/motive/justification/pretext forsth the reason/motive behindsth on thegrounds/basis/pretext of / of (a) good / good reason/explanation/grounds/excuse/motive/justification rea·son / ˈriːzn ; NAmE ˈriːzn /
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