re-elect [ˈri:iˈlekt]  


re-elect  [ˈri:iˈlekt]

vt. 重选;改选 

AFGHANS are set to go back to the polls to decide whether to re-elect Hamid Karzai as president for another five years on Saturday November 7th. 阿富汗将回归票选方式来决定是否重选哈米德·卡尔扎伊作为下一个5年任期的总统,票选日期定在11月7日,星期六。

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  • vt. 重选;改选
  • 1. AFGHANS are set to go back to the polls to decide whether to re-elect Hamid Karzai as president for another five years on Saturday November 7th.


ˌre-eˈlect / ; NAmE / verb re-electsb (to sth) to elect sb again 再次选举;再度选上 re-electsb (to sth) She was re-elected to parliament. 她再次当选为议员。 re-electsb (as) sth | re-electsb + noun The committee voted to re-elect him (as) chairman. 委员会投票再次选举他担任主席。 ˌre-eˈlection re-election re-elections / ; NAmE / noun [uncountable ] ( BrE) to stand for re-election 二度参选 ( NAmE) to run for re-election 争取再次当选 re-elect re-elects re-elected re-electing ˌre-eˈlect / ; NAmE / ˌre-eˈlection / ; NAmE /
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