queue up  

queue up

queue up 

v. 排队等候 

Please queue up to register. 请排队挂号。
Of course, should load exceed the capacity of the system, messages will queue up irrespective of the Maximum Messages value. 当然,如果负载超过了系统的容量,则不管最大消息的值是多少,消息都将排队等候。

  • 请先登录
  • v. 排队等候
  • 1. Please queue up to register.


  • 2. Of course, should load exceed the capacity of the system, messages will queue up irrespective of the Maximum Messages value.


  • 3. If MOMs are used to connect them together, you can take any system down at any point, and messages will keep flowing around that system but queue up until it comes back.

    如果使用 MOM 将它们连接在一起,就可以在任何时候关闭任何系统,发送到这个系统的消息会放在队列中,直到系统恢复工作。

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