quantification [,kwɑntəfɪ'keʃən]  


quantification  [,kwɑntəfɪ'keʃən]

n. [统计] 定量,量化 


This is good news, as it means that style sheet authors will soon be able to take advantage of features like sequences, quantification, and stronger type control. 这是个好消息,因为它意味着样式表作者们将很快就能利用象序列、量化和更强有力的类型控制这样的特性。
Moreover, when a quantification type would normally be initialized by a list of things of the right type, specifying just one item lifts it into a length-one list of the item. 而且,当量化类型通常正是由这个类型的一列内容初始化时,只要指定一个项就可以将它 提升成包含该项的长度为一的列表。

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  • n. [统计] 定量,量化
  • 1. This is good news, as it means that style sheet authors will soon be able to take advantage of features like sequences, quantification, and stronger type control.


  • 2. Moreover, when a quantification type would normally be initialized by a list of things of the right type, specifying just one item lifts it into a length-one list of the item.

    而且,当量化类型通常正是由这个类型的一列内容初始化时,只要指定一个项就可以将它 提升成包含该项的长度为一的列表。

  • 3. For quantification purposes, I work with the same two representative XML documents addressed in my earlier research.

    出于量化用途,我使用前面研究中所介绍的两个有代表性的相同 XML 文档。

  • quantification (n.) 1850, noun of action from quantify.
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