purposefully 英 ['pə:pəsfuli]  


purposefully  英 ['pə:pəsfuli]

adv. 有目的地;自觉地 

They purposefully keep people misinformed and fearful through their control of the media. 他们有目的地通过所控制的媒体来误导和恐吓民众。
By adding this concept to our cognitive toolkit, Rushkoff argues, we will have a better chance of using technologies “consciously and purposefully” and of resisting that bias. 洛西科夫认为,意识到这种偏见的存在之后,人们将来更有可能“有意识有目的地”运用技术并抑制偏见。

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  • adv. 有目的地;自觉地
  • 1. They purposefully keep people misinformed and fearful through their control of the media.


  • 2. By adding this concept to our cognitive toolkit, Rushkoff argues, we will have a better chance of using technologies “consciously and purposefully” and of resisting that bias.


  • 3. You can purposefully choose to install products in different package groups for many reasons, even though those products have the ability to share the resources.


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