puller ['pʊlɚ]  


puller  ['pʊlɚ]

n. 拉的人,拉具;吸引人的东西,招揽顾客的东西 


Russia is always a crowd-puller too, but what role it ends up playing depends what mood it is in. 俄罗斯也经常成为大众关注的对象,但它最后会起什么作用取决于它的心情如何。
But there is more to this than the traditional Iranian belief, grounded, it has to be said, in history, that Britain is the master string-puller behind all that is bad that happens in Tehran. 但是,对于这件事,必须提到的是,比伊朗人的传统信仰更现实的是,在历史上,德黑兰发生的一切灾难,背后的主要推动者都是英国。

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  • n. 拉的人,拉具;吸引人的东西,招揽顾客的东西
  • 1. Russia is always a crowd-puller too, but what role it ends up playing depends what mood it is in.


  • 2. But there is more to this than the traditional Iranian belief, grounded, it has to be said, in history, that Britain is the master string-puller behind all that is bad that happens in Tehran.


  • 3. When you are the puller, whether throwing backhand or forehand, aim to land close to one of the sidelines in the end zone.


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