proven 英 ['pruːvən]   美 [pruvən]


proven  英 ['pruːvən] 美 [pruvən]

v. 证明(prove的过去分词) 

Although funny at first – it has proven itself well against the test of time. 虽然当初很好笑——经过时间的考验,它已经证明了它自己。
Another aspect of this discovery that has once again proven the craftsman behind the Jurassic Park dinosaurs correct is that of the third claw. 这一发现的另一个观点也再一次证明了那位《侏罗纪公园》背后的工匠的预言不虚,那就是第三只爪。

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  • v. 证明(prove的过去分词)
  • 1. Although funny at first – it has proven itself well against the test of time.


  • 2. Another aspect of this discovery that has once again proven the craftsman behind the Jurassic Park dinosaurs correct is that of the third claw.


  • 3. At Saddleback Church, we have a ministry called Celebrate Recovery that has proven this over and over.


  • proven (adj.) 1650s, adjective from alternative past participle (originally in Scottish legal use) of prove (v.).
proven / ˈpruːvn ; ˈprəʊvn ; NAmE ˈproʊvn / adjective [only before noun ] tested and shown to be true 被证明的;已证实的 a student of proven ability 确有才华的学生 It is a proven fact that fluoride strengthens growing teeth. 氟化物可以强化生长中的牙齿,这是已证明的事实。 see also prove v. OPP unproven IDIOM not ˈproven (in Scottish law 苏格兰法律 ) a verdict (= decision)at a trial that there is not enough evidence to show that sb is guilty or innocent, and that they must be set free 证据不足(不予起诉) proven / ˈpruːvn ; ˈprəʊvn ; NAmE ˈproʊvn /
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