projection 英 [prəˈdʒekʃn]   美 [prəˈdʒɛkʃən]


projection  英 [prəˈdʒekʃn] 美 [prəˈdʒɛkʃən]

n. 投射;规划;突出;发射;推测 


At one point he tells himself this, through the voice of Mal, who is a projection of his own subconscious. 曾经一度他这么告诉自己,虽然是通过妻子梅尔的话来表达的,梅尔是他自己潜意识的一种投射。
And, in fact, the proportion as you go from rat, cat, and monkey, humans— less and less of it is devoted to projection areas and there is more and more to other things. 事实上你可以看到,从老鼠开始,到猫,到猴子,再到人类,投射区所占的面积越来越少,而负责其他功能的皮层,所占面积则越来越大

  • When you push something away from a central structure, that's called projection. If you predict that the Jets will win tomorrow's game, that's a projection, too — you're pushing your mind away from the present and into the future.
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  • n. 投射;规划;突出;发射;推测
  • 1. At one point he tells himself this, through the voice of Mal, who is a projection of his own subconscious.


  • 2. And, in fact, the proportion as you go from rat, cat, and monkey, humans— less and less of it is devoted to projection areas and there is more and more to other things.


  • 3. In the concept of metadata as a multidimensional signature, each consumer of the signature uses only the projection that is relevant to its concern.

    在将元数据看成多维签名这种思路中,签名的每位消费者只使用与其关注点相关的 投射。

  • projection (n.) late 15c., in alchemy, "transmutation by casting a powder on molten metal; 1550s in the cartographical sense "drawing of a map or chart according to scale," from Middle French projection, from Latin proiectionem (nominative proiectio), from past participle stem of proicere (see project (n.)). From 1590s as "action of projecting."
pro·jec·tion AWL / prəˈdʒekʃn ; NAmE prəˈdʒekʃn / noun estimate 估计 1 [countable ] an estimate or a statement of what figures, amounts, or events will be in the future, or what they were in the past, based on what is happening now 预测;推断;设想 to make forward/backward projectionsof population figures 推断未来╱过去的人口数量 Sales have exceeded our projections. 销售量超过了我们的预测。 of image 影像 2 [uncountable ,  countable ] the act of putting an image of sth onto a surface; an image that is shown in this way 投射;放映;投影;放映的影像 the projection of three-dimensional images on a computer screen 在电脑屏幕上显示的立体影像 laser projections 激光影像 of solid shape 立体图形 3 [countable ] ( technical 术语 ) a solid shape or object as represented on a flat surface 投影图 map projections 投影地图 sth that sticks out 突出物 4 [countable ] something that sticks out from a surface 突起物;隆起物 tiny projections on the cell 细胞上的小尖突出物 of voice/sound 声音 5 [uncountable ] the act of making your voice, a sound, etc. audible (= able to be heard)at a distance (嗓音或声音的)发送,传送,放开 voice projection 嗓音的放开 psychology 心理学 6 [uncountable ] the act of imagining that sb else is thinking the same as you and is reacting in the same way 投射(不自觉地把自己的思想等加诸他人) of thoughts/feelings 思想感情 7 [countable ,  uncountable ] the act of giving a form and structure to inner thoughts and feelings (思想感情的)体现,形象化 The idea of God is a projection of humans' need to have something greater than themselves. 人类需要有强于自身的形象;上帝就是这个想法的投射。 projection projections pro·jec·tion / prəˈdʒekʃn ; NAmE prəˈdʒekʃn /
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