profitably ['prɔfitəbli]  


profitably  ['prɔfitəbli]

adv. 有利地;有益地 

It is possible to invest securely and profitably for the long term. 进行有安全保障和有利可图的长期投资是可能的。
If cash is not immediately needed to reinvest in the business, it should be handed back to shareholders, who can use it more profitably elsewhere. 如果现金不需要马上用来再投资于业务上的话,那就应当交回给股东,股东可以将现金使用在其他更有利可图的地方。

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  • adv. 有利地;有益地
  • 1. It is possible to invest securely and profitably for the long term.


  • 2. If cash is not immediately needed to reinvest in the business, it should be handed back to shareholders, who can use it more profitably elsewhere.


  • 3. Since then it has expanded profitably, helped by its government’s pro-aviation policies such as the rapid expansion of its home airport and the provision of efficient air-traffic control.


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