productively [prə'dʌktɪvli]  


productively  [prə'dʌktɪvli]

adv. 有结果地;有成果地;多产地 

The average person spends less than 7 hours of their day productively. 一般人每天有成效地度过的时间少于7小时。
That awareness has given her both the drive to fight for the right to treatment, and the urgency of working as a leader with those who can most productively teach and help others. 这种意识给了她为获得治疗的权利进行斗争的动力以及作为领袖与能够最有成效地教育和帮助他人者一起开展工作的紧迫感。

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  • adv. 有结果地;有成果地;多产地
  • 1. The average person spends less than 7 hours of their day productively.


  • 2. That awareness has given her both the drive to fight for the right to treatment, and the urgency of working as a leader with those who can most productively teach and help others.


  • 3. In this article, we look at the most common negative emotions experienced in the workplace – and how you can manage them productively.

    在本文中 我们一起来看一下在职场中最普遍的负面情绪----以及您如何能够有效地管理它们 。

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