problem 英 [ˈprɒbləm]   美 [ˈprɑbləm]


problem  英 [ˈprɒbləm] 美 [ˈprɑbləm]

n. 难题 


big problems, major problems, serious problems 重大╱主要╱严重的问题
health problems, family problems,  健康、家庭等问题

  • If you are facing something that will be difficult to handle, you have a problem on your hands. A problem is a roadblock in a situation, something that sets up a conflict and forces you to find a resolution.
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  • n. 难题
  • 1. big problems, major problems, serious problems


  • 2. health problems, family problems,


  • 3. financial problems, technical problems


  • 4. the problem of drug abuse


  • 5. Let me know if you have any problems.


  • 6. The problem first arose in 2008.

    这个问题首次出现在 2008 年。

  • 7. mathematical problems


  • 8. Thanks for the ride.’ ‘No problem.’


  • 9. She was a problem child,always in trouble with the police.


  • problem (n.) late 14c., "a difficult question proposed for solution," from Old French problème (14c.) and directly from Latin problema, from Greek problema "a task, that which is proposed, a question;" also "anything projecting, headland, promontory; fence, barrier;" also "a problem in geometry," literally "thing put forward," from proballein "propose," from pro "forward" (from PIE root *per- (1) "forward") + ballein "to throw" (from PIE root *gwele- "to throw, reach").
prob·lem / ˈprɒbləm ; NAmE ˈprɑːbləm / noun , adjective problem problems noun 1 a thing that is difficult to deal with or to understand 棘手的问题;难题;困难 big/major/serious problems 重大╱主要╱严重的问题 health/family, etc. problems 健康、家庭等问题 financial/practical/technical problems 财政╱实际╱技术困难 to address/tackle/solve a problem 处理╱应付╱解决难题 ( especially NAmE) to fix a problem 解决问题 the problem of drug abuse 滥用毒品的问题 If he chooses Mary it's bound to cause problems. 如果他选上玛丽,肯定要招来后患。 Let me know if you have any problems. 你若有困难就告诉我。 Most students face the problemof funding themselves while they are studying. 大多数学生在求学期间都会面临经济来源的问题。 The problem first arose in 2008. 这个问题首次出现在 2008 年。 Unemployment is a very real problem for graduates now. 现在,失业对大学毕业生是个实质问题。 It's a nice table! The only problem is (that)it's too big for our room. 这张桌子的确不错!唯一的问题是放在我们的屋子里太大了。 Stop worrying about their marriage—it isn't your problem. 别替他们的婚事操心了,那不关你的事。 There's no history of heart problems (= disease connected with the heart)in our family. 我们家族里没有心脏病史。 the magazine's problem page (= containing letters about readers' problems and advice about how to solve them) 这本杂志的解疑专栏 2 a question that can be answered by using logical thought or mathematics 逻辑题;数学题 mathematical problems 数学题 to find the answer to the problem 找出问题的答案 IDIOMS have a ˈproblem with sth to disagree with or object to sth 对…有异议;不同意;反对 I have no problem with you working at home tomorrow. 你明天在家里工作,我没有意见。 ( informal) We are going to do this my way. Do you have a problem with that? (= showing that you are impatient with the person that you are speaking to) 这件事将按照我的方法来做,你有什么意见吗? no ˈproblem ( informal) 1 ( also not a ˈproblem ) used to show that you are happy to help sb or that sth will be easy to do (表示乐于相助或事情容易做)没问题 ‘Can I pay by credit card?’ ‘Yes, no problem.’ “我能用信用卡付款吗?”“行,没问题。” 2 used after sb has thanked you or said they are sorry for sth (回答别人的道谢或道歉)没什么,不客气,没关系 ‘Thanks for the ride.’ ‘No problem.’ “谢谢你载我一程。”“不客气。” ˌit's/ˌthat's not ˈmy problem ( informal) used to show that you do not care about sb else's difficulties 那不关我的事 that's ˈher/ˈhis/ˈtheir/ˈyour problem ( informal) used to show that you think a person should deal with their own difficulties 那是她╱他╱他们╱你自己的问题 what's your problem? ( informal) used to show that you think sb is being unreasonable (认为对方不讲道理时说)你怎么了,你犯啥病啊 What's your problem?—I only asked if you could help me for ten minutes. 你有毛病啊?我只是问问你能不能抽十分钟帮个忙而已。 adjective [only before noun ] causing problems for other people 找麻烦的;成问题的;惹乱子的 She was a problem child,always in trouble with the police. 她曾是个问题儿童,总是给警察惹麻烦。 prob·lem / ˈprɒbləm ; NAmE ˈprɑːbləm /
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