priming 英 ['praɪmɪŋ]   美 ['praɪmɪŋ]


priming  英 ['praɪmɪŋ] 美 ['praɪmɪŋ]

n. 底漆;装雷管;起爆剂;装点火药;装填物 


Obviously something is priming the risk, and it looks like that may be a genetic predisposition. 显然是某种因素引发了这种风险,看上去这很可能是一种遗传倾向。
We spent days hand scraping and sanding, re-priming and -painting them, but we used indoor paint on them. 我们花了几天的时间,打磨,沙光,涂底漆,上油漆,可是我们竟然上了室内用漆。

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  • n. 底漆;装雷管;起爆剂;装点火药;装填物
  • 1. Obviously something is priming the risk, and it looks like that may be a genetic predisposition.


  • 2. We spent days hand scraping and sanding, re-priming and -painting them, but we used indoor paint on them.


  • 3. The immunity that many people now have has the same effect as this priming, so that just one shot of vaccine could result in full immunity.


  • priming (n.) "first coat of paint," c. 1600, verbal noun from prime (v.). Meaning "gunpowder in the pan of a firearm" is from 1590s.
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