pressure 英 [ˈpreʃə(r)]   美 [ˈprɛʃɚ]


pressure  英 [ˈpreʃə(r)] 美 [ˈprɛʃɚ]

n. 压力;压迫  vt. 迫使 

进行时:pressuring  过去式:pressured  过去分词:pressured  第三人称单数:pressures  名词复数:pressures 

The nurse applied pressure to his arm to stop the bleeding. 护士压住他的胳膊止血。
air pressure,water pressure 空气╱水的压力

  • You feel pressure when something presses on you –- whether a physical force or a stressful situation. If you don't crack under the pressure of witnessing the accident, you will calmly apply pressure on the driver's wound until help arrives.
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  • n. 压力;压迫
  • vt. 迫使
  • 1. The nurse applied pressure to his arm to stop the bleeding.


  • 2. air pressure,water pressure


  • 3. Check the tyre pressure regularly.


  • 4. A band of highpressureis moving across the country.


  • 5. There is a great deal of pressure on young people to conform.


  • 6. Teenagers may find it difficult to resist peer pressure.


  • 7. You need to be able to handle pressure in this job.


  • 8. Don't let yourself be pressured into making a hasty decision.


  • pressure (n.) late 14c., "suffering, anguish; act or fact of pressing on the mind or heart," from Old French presseure "oppression; torture; anguish; press" (for wine or cheeses), "instrument of torture" (12c.) and directly from Latin pressura "action of pressing," from pressus, past participle of premere "to press, hold fast, cover, crowd, compress" (from PIE root *per- (4) "to strike").
  • pressure (v.) "to pressurize," 1886, American English, from pressure (n.). Meaning "to exert pressure on" (someone) is attested by 1922. Related: Pressured; pressuring.
pres·sure / ˈpreʃə(r) ; NAmE ˈpreʃər / noun , verb pressure pressures pressured pressuring noun when sth presses 挤压时 1 [uncountable ] the force or weight with which sth presses against sth else 压力;挤压 The nurse applied pressure to his arm to stop the bleeding. 护士压住他的胳膊止血。 The barriers gave way under the pressure of the crowd. 拥挤的人群把路障推倒了。 of gas/liquid 气体;液体 2 [uncountable ,  countable ] the force produced by a particular amount of gas or liquid in a confined space or container; the amount of this 压力;压强 air/water pressure 空气╱水的压力 Check the tyre pressure (= the amount of air in a tyre)regularly. 要定期检查轮胎的气压。 see also blood pressure of atmosphere 大气 3 [uncountable ] the force of the atmosphere on the earth's surface 大气压 A band of high/low pressureis moving across the country. 一股高╱低气压正横越这个国家。 see also atmospheric  (1 ) persuasion/force 劝说;强迫 4 [uncountable ] the act of trying to persuade or to force sb to do sth 催促;要求;呼吁;强迫 pressure(for sth) The pressure for change continued to mount. 改革的呼声持续高涨。 pressure(on sb) (to do sth) There is a great deal of pressure on young people to conform. 年轻人被大力要求守规矩。 The government eventually bowed to popular pressure (= they agreed to do what people were trying to get them to do). 政府最终向群众的压力低头。 Teenagers may find it difficult to resist peer pressure. 青少年可能觉得很难抗拒同侪的压力。 stress 紧张 5 [uncountable ] ( alsopressures [plural ] ) difficulties and feelings of anxiety that are caused by the need to achieve or to behave in a particular way 心理压力;紧张 She was unable to attend because of the pressure of work. 由于工作紧张她不能出席。 You need to be able to handle pressure in this job. 你要能应付这一工作的压力。 How can anyone enjoy the pressures of city life? 怎么会有人喜欢都市生活的压力呢? IDIOMS put ˈpressure on sb (to do sth) to force or to try to persuade sb to do sth 强迫;促使;劝说 under ˈpressure 1 if a liquid or a gas is kept under pressure,it is forced into a container so that when the container is opened, the liquid or gas escapes quickly (液体或气体)受压力,压缩 2 being forced to do sth 被迫 The director is under increasing pressure to resign. 主任面对被迫请辞的压力越来越大。 3 made to feel anxious about sth you have to do 承受着(急于完成某事的)压力 The team performs well under pressure. 这个队在压力下表现良好。 verb [often passive ] ( especially NAmE) ( BrE also pres·sur·ize ) pressuresb (into sth/into doing sth) | pressuresb to do sth to persuade sb to do sth, especially by making them feel that they have to or should do it 逼迫;使迫不得已 Don't let yourself be pressured into making a hasty decision. 不要勉强自己仓促做决定。 SYNONYMS 同义词辨析 pressure stress tension strain These are all words for the feelings of anxiety caused by the problems in sb's life. 以上各词均指生活上的心理压力、精神紧张。 pressure difficulties and feelings of anxiety that are caused by the need to achieve sth or to behave in a particular way 指为达到某一目标或有某种行为表现而产生的心理压力、紧张: She was unable to attend because of the pressures of work. 由于工作紧张她不能出席。 stress pressure or anxiety caused by the problems in sb's life 指因生活问题引起的精神压力、心理负担、紧张: stress-related illnesses 与精神压力有关的疾病 pressure or stress? 用 pressure 还是 stress? It is common to say that sb is suffering from stress,while pressuremay be the thing that causes stress. 承受精神压力常用 suffer from stress,而 pressure 可指造成压力(stress)的事物。 tension a feeling of anxiety and stress that makes it impossible to relax 指情绪上的紧张、烦躁: nervous tension 神经紧张 strain pressure on sb/sth because they have too much to do or manage; the problems, worry or anxiety that this produces 指压力、重负、重压之下出现的问题、担忧: I found it a strain looking after four children. 我觉得照料四个孩子挺累的。 PATTERNS to be underpressure/stress/strain considerablepressure/stress/tension/strain to causestress/tension/strain to cope withthe pressure/stress/tension/strain to relieve / relieve the pressure/stress/tension/strain to be suffering fromstress/tension pres·sure / ˈpreʃə(r) ; NAmE ˈpreʃər /
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