prepubescent 英 [priːpjʊ'bes(ə)nt]  


prepubescent  英 [priːpjʊ'bes(ə)nt]

adj. 青春期前的 

The youthful band were an instant hit with prepubescent girls - mainly black girls, but also some white ones. 这个青春组合立马引来了少女们的青睐——大多数是黑人女孩,但也不乏白人女孩。
I guess when consoles started becoming more popular, it was speculated that it would be better for their niche audience to be prepubescent boys. 我猜想,在游戏机开始越来越受欢迎的时候,游戏商们推断如果将其特定受众定位于青春期前的男孩,销量会更好。

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  • adj. 青春期前的
  • 1. The youthful band were an instant hit with prepubescent girls - mainly black girls, but also some white ones.


  • 2. I guess when consoles started becoming more popular, it was speculated that it would be better for their niche audience to be prepubescent boys.


  • 3. My confused prepubescent days are behind me, but I find myself in mourning – grieving for the heterosexuality that might have been. I would never have chosen to be a lesbian.


  • prepubescent (adj.) also pre-pubescent, 1883 (in Gerald Massey's "The Natural Genesis"), from pre- + pubescent. An older word in the same sense was impuberal (1829), from Latin impubes.
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