preparer [pri'pɛərə]  


preparer  [pri'pɛərə]

n. 填表人,调制机 


While I’m having my mom’s regular tax preparer produce her final 1040 (somewhat to my misgivings), I still may need to file returns for her estate and for her trust. 尽管我正要我母亲的正常税报税人制作出她的决算表1040(这让我有些担忧),我仍可能要为她的房产和信托资金作纳税申报。
Experts estimate that the Obama proposal will save Americans up to 200 million total hours of work and aggravation and up to $2 billion in tax preparer fees. 专家预计奥巴马此举可以为美国人节省至少2亿小时的工作时间,还能节省20亿美元税收准备费用。

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  • n. 填表人,调制机
  • 1. While I’m having my mom’s regular tax preparer produce her final 1040 (somewhat to my misgivings), I still may need to file returns for her estate and for her trust.


  • 2. Experts estimate that the Obama proposal will save Americans up to 200 million total hours of work and aggravation and up to $2 billion in tax preparer fees.


  • 3. For example, as a preparer or user, knowing that a zero-coupon bond matures in 10 years, how do you use the implicit interest rate to compute the periodic interest expense?


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