precariousness [prɪ'kɛrɪəsnɪs]  


precariousness  [prɪ'kɛrɪəsnɪs]

n. 不安全;不稳定 


The vast physical and human disruption caused by the storm and the failure of the levees only heightened the city's sense of precariousness. 暴风雨和堤坝的决口引起巨大的自然灾害和人的恐慌情绪仅仅强化了人们对城市不安全的担忧。
The waves, currents, and tides of the sea are much the same as the ups, downs and precariousness of life itself. 大海的波涛、水流与潮汐,与人生的跌荡起伏非常相似。

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  • n. 不安全;不稳定
  • 1. The vast physical and human disruption caused by the storm and the failure of the levees only heightened the city's sense of precariousness.


  • 2. The waves, currents, and tides of the sea are much the same as the ups, downs and precariousness of life itself.


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