pot 英 [pɒt]   美 [pɑt]


pot  英 [pɒt] 美 [pɑt]

n. 锅;盆;罐 ; 瓶 

进行时:potting  过去式:potted  过去分词:potted  第三人称单数:pots  名词复数:pots 

pots and pans 锅碗瓢盆
a pot of jam 一罐果酱

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  • n. 锅;盆;罐 ; 瓶
  • 1. pots and pans


  • 2. a pot of jam


  • 3. a yogurt pot


  • 4. a coffee pot


  • 5. a pepper pot


  • 6. a teapot


  • 7. They drank a pot of coffee.


pot / pɒt ; NAmE pɑːt / noun , verb pot pots potted potting noun for cooking 烹饪 1 [countable ] a deep round container used for cooking things in pots and pans 锅碗瓢盆 container 容器 2 [countable ] ( especially BrE) a container made of glass, clayor plastic, used for storing food in (盛食品的)罐,瓶,壶 a pot of jam 一罐果酱 a yogurt pot 酸奶瓶 3 [countable ] ( especially in compounds 尤用于构成复合词 ) a container of various kinds, made for a particular purpose (某种用途的)容器 a coffee pot 咖啡壶 a pepper pot 胡椒瓶 a teapot 茶壶 Is there any more tea in the pot? 茶壶里还有茶吗? see also chamber pot , chimney pot , flowerpot , lobster pot , melting pot , potted 4 [countable ] the amount contained in a pot 一罐,一瓶,一壶(的量) They drank a pot of coffee. 他们喝了一壶咖啡。 5 [countable ] a bowl, etc. that is made by a potter 陶盆;陶罐;碗 money 6 the pot [singular ] ( especially NAmE) the total amount of money that is bet in a card game (一局纸牌游戏的)赌注总额,全部赌注 7 the pot [singular ] ( especially NAmE) all the money given by a group of people in order to do sth together, for example to buy food 凑集的资金;凑合的钱 see also kitty  (1 ), ( 2 ) drug 毒品 8 [uncountable ] ( informal) = marijuana pot smoking 吸大麻 shot 发射 9 [countable ] = potshot He took a pot at the neighbour's cat with his air rifle. 他用气枪向邻居的猫打了一枪。 in billiards, etc. 枱球等 10 [countable ] (in the game of billiards, poolor snooker 枱球、普尔或斯诺克 ) the act of hitting a ball into one of the pockets around the edge of the table 击球入袋 stomach 11 [countable ] ( informal) = pot belly at pot-bellied IDIOMS go to ˈpot ( informal) to be spoiled because people are not working hard or taking care of things (因疏懒或忽视)搞砸了,糟蹋了 Her handwriting's gone to pot since she started using a computer all the time. 自从她开始完全使用电脑后,她的手写就荒疏了。 the pot calling the kettle ˈblack ( saying, informal) used to say that you should not criticize sb for a fault that you have yourself 锅笑壶黑;五十步笑百步;乌鸦说猪黑 ˌpot ˈluck when you take pot luck,you choose sth or go somewhere without knowing very much about it, but hope that it will be good, pleasant, etc. 碰运气;撞大运 It's pot luck whether you get good advice or not. 能不能得到好的指点那就全靠运气了。 You're welcome to stay to supper, but you'll have to take pot luck (= eat whatever is available). 欢迎你留下来吃晚饭,不过你得有什么就吃什么了。 see also potluck ˈpots of money ( BrE) ( informal) a very large amount of money 大笔的金钱;巨额款项 more at gold n. , melting pot , quart , watch v. verb ( -tt- ) plant 植物 1 potsth to put a plant into a flowerpotfilled with soil 把…栽入盆中;种盆栽 in billiards, etc. 枱球等 2 potsth (in the games of billiards, pooland snooker 枱球、普尔和斯诺克 ) to hit a ball into one of the pockets (= holes at the corners and edges of the table) 击(球)入袋 SYN pocket He potted the black to take a 7–3 lead. 他把黑球击入袋中,以 7:3 领先。 shoot 射击 3 potsth to kill an animal or a bird by shooting it 射杀,射猎(飞禽或走兽) see also potted pot / pɒt ; NAmE pɑːt /
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