polarizing ['polə,raɪz]  


polarizing  ['polə,raɪz]

adj. 起偏振的  v. 使偏振;极化(polarize的ing形式) 


Chávez’s hemispheric ambitions have made him one of the most compelling, audacious, and polarizing figures in the world—one of a number of post-Cold War leaders trying to form regional power blocs. 查韦斯雄心勃勃的南半球抱负,使他成为了世界上最为强势、无畏和两极化的人物之一,以及冷战后试图完成区域政治力量整合的众多领袖中的一个。
Can you reach this peak motivational state without polarizing? 没有通过两极化,你能到达动力激发的顶峰吗?

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  • adj. 起偏振的
  • v. 使偏振;极化(polarize的ing形式)
  • 1. Chávez’s hemispheric ambitions have made him one of the most compelling, audacious, and polarizing figures in the world—one of a number of post-Cold War leaders trying to form regional power blocs.


  • 2. Can you reach this peak motivational state without polarizing?


  • 3. In a way, the pressure of real-time information is polarizing - the hard working people are becoming harder to replace, while slackers and perhaps less knowledgeable people are just not needed.


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