point-blank 英 [ˈpɔɪntˈblæŋk]   美 [ˈpɔɪntˈblæŋk]


point-blank  英 [ˈpɔɪntˈblæŋk] 美 [ˈpɔɪntˈblæŋk]

adj. 断然的;直截了当的;近距离平射的  adv. 直射地;断然地;直截了当地 

During interviews, you may be asked point-blank if you visited campus or not. 在面试中,你也许会直截了当的被询问到是否参观了学校。
His response, if you asked him point-blank about her battle, was to giggle nervously. “I’m kind of a neutral bystander on that one, ” he said. 如果你直接问他对这场争拗的看法,他的反应就是紧张地咯咯笑着:“对这个事,我算是中立的旁观者吧。”

  • A point-blank shot is fired from very near its target, and a point-blank statement is blunt and straightforward. During an old-fashioned gun duel, people would settle an argument by shooting at each other point-blank.
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  • adj. 断然的;直截了当的;近距离平射的
  • adv. 直射地;断然地;直截了当地
  • 1. During interviews, you may be asked point-blank if you visited campus or not.


  • 2. His response, if you asked him point-blank about her battle, was to giggle nervously. “I’m kind of a neutral bystander on that one, ” he said.


  • 3. They were at the top of a wall, and they thundered point-blank upon the soldiers tripping over the dead and wounded and entangled in the escarpment.


ˌpoint-ˈblank / ; NAmE / adjective [only before noun ] 1 (of a shot 射击 ) fired with the gun touching or very close to the person or thing it is aimed at 挨着的;近身的;近距离的 The officer was shot dead at point-blank range. 这位军官被近距离开枪打死。 2 (of sth that is said 说的话 ) very definite and direct and not very polite 直截了当(缺乏礼貌)的 SYN blunt a point-blank refusal 断然拒绝 ˌpoint-ˈblank adverb She fired point-blank at his chest. 她抵住他的胸口开了枪。 He refused point-blank to be photographed. 他断然拒绝被拍照。 ˌpoint-ˈblank / ; NAmE /
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