plus 英 [plʌs]   美 [plʌs]


plus  英 [plʌs] 美 [plʌs]

n. 正号,加号;好处;附加额 


Two plus five is seven. 二加五等于七。
There were a lot of pluses in the performance. 这次演出有多处值得嘉许。

  • A plus is an “advantage” or an “asset.” You might look silly walking around with flippers all day, but if you lived underwater, they would definitely be a plus.
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  • n. 正号,加号;好处;附加额
  • 1. Two plus five is seven.


  • 2. There were a lot of pluses in the performance.


  • 3. The work will cost £10 000 plus.


  • 4. The temperature is plus four degrees.


  • 5. One of the hotel's plus points is that it is very central.


  • 6. I got B plus B+ in the test.

    我考试得了个 B+。

  • plus (n.) 1570s, the oral rendering of the arithmetical sign +, from Latin plus "more, in greater number, more often" (comparative of multus "much"), altered (by influence of minus) from *pleos, from PIE root *pele- (1) "to fill" (see poly-).
plus 2 / pluː ; NAmE pluː / IDIOM plus ça change / ˌpluː sæˈʃɒ̃nʒ ; NAmE ˌpluː sɑː ˈʃɑːnʒ / ( saying) ( from French) used as a way of saying that people and situations never really change over time, although they may appear to 变来变去还是老样子;表面虽变本质犹存 plus pluses plus / pluː ; NAmE pluː / plus 1 AWL / plʌs ; NAmE plʌs / preposition , noun , adjective , conjunction plus pluses preposition 1 used when the two numbers or amounts mentioned are being added together Two plus five is seven. 二加五等于七。 The cost is £22, plus £1 for postage. 费用为 22 英镑,另加 1 英镑的邮费。 2 as well as sth/sb; and also 和;也;外加 We have to fit five of us plus all our gear in the car. 我们五人和全部用具都得塞进车里。 OPP minus IDIOM plus or ˈminus used when the number mentioned may actually be more or less by a particular amount 或多或少;左右;大约 SYN give or take The margin of error was plus or minus three percentage points. 误差幅度在三个百分点左右。 noun 1 ( informal) an advantage; a good thing 优势;好处;长处 Knowledge of French is a plus in her job. 通晓法文使她在工作中占优势。 There were a lot of pluses in the performance. 这次演出有多处值得嘉许。 2 ( also ˈplus sign ) the symbol ( + ), used in mathematics 加号 He put a plus instead of a minus. 他填了个加号而不是减号。 OPP minus adjective 1 used after a number to show that the real number or amount is more than the one mentioned (在数字后)多,余 The work will cost £10 000 plus. 这项工作将耗资万余英镑。 2 above zero 零度以上;零上 The temperature is plus four degrees. 温度为零上四度。 OPP minus 3 [only before noun ] used to describe an aspect of sth that you consider to be a good thing 优点的;好的 One of the hotel's plus pointsis that it is very central. 那个旅馆的优势之一是它处于市中心。 On the plus side,all the staff are enthusiastic. 好的方面是职员的工作热忱都很高。 OPP minus 4 [not before noun ] ( used in a system of marks/grades 用于评分或评等级 ) slightly higher than the mark/grade A, B, etc. 略高于(A、B 等) I got B plus (B+) in the test. 我考试得了个 B+。 OPP minus conjunction ( informal) used to add more information 而且;此外;况且 SYN furthermore I've got too much on at work. Plus my father is not well. 我工作负担太重了,而且我父亲身体也不好。 plus / plʌs ; NAmE plʌs /
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