plenty 英 [ˈplenti]   美 [ˈplɛnti]


plenty  英 [ˈplenti] 美 [ˈplɛnti]

n. 丰富,大量;充足  adj. 足够的,很多的  adv. 足够 


plenty of eggs,plenty of money,plenty of time 充裕的鸡蛋╱钱╱时间
They always gave us plenty to eat. 他们总是给我们好多东西吃。

  • If you've eaten your fill at a big meal, you know by your full stomach that you have had plenty. In fact, if you had more than plenty, you might even get the feeling you've had too much!
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  • n. 丰富,大量;充足
  • adj. 足够的,很多的
  • adv. 足够
  • 1. plenty of eggs,plenty of money,plenty of time


  • 2. They always gave us plenty to eat.


  • 3. We had plenty to talk about.


  • 4. There's plenty more paper if you need it.


  • 5. We talked plenty about our kids.


  • 6. We had food and drink in plenty.


  • 7. There's plenty room for all of you!


  • plenty (n.) mid-13c., "as much as one could desire," from Old French plentee, earlier plentet "abundance, profusion" (12c., Modern French dialectal plenté), from Latin plenitatem (nominative plenitas) "fullness," from plenus "full, filled, greatly crowded; stout, pregnant; abundant, abounding; complete," from PIE root *pele- (1) "to fill." Meaning "condition of general abundance" is from late 14c. The colloquial adverb meaning "very much" is first attested 1842. Middle English had parallel formation plenteth, from the older Old French form of the word.
plenty / ˈplenti ; NAmE ˈplenti / pronoun , adverb , noun , determiner pronoun plenty(of sth) a large amount; as much or as many as you need 大量;众多;充足 plenty of eggs/money/time 充裕的鸡蛋╱钱╱时间 ‘Do we need more milk?’ ‘No, there's plenty in the fridge.’ “我们要不要再买些牛奶?”“不必了。冰箱里还多着呢。” They always gave us plenty to eat. 他们总是给我们好多东西吃。 We had plenty to talk about. 我们有说不完的话。 notes at many , much adverb 1 ~ more (of) (sth) a lot 大量;很多 We have plenty more of them in the warehouse. 我们仓库里这类东西还多得很。 There's plenty more paper if you need it. 你要是需要纸,还有很多。 2 ~ big, long, etc. enough (to do sth) ( informal) more than big, long, etc. enough 足够有余 The rope was plenty long enough to reach the ground. 这根绳子长及地面依然有余。 3 ( NAmE) a lot; very 非常;十分;很 We talked plenty about our kids. 我们谈了很多关于孩子的事。 You can be married and still be plenty lonely. 结了婚也可能非常孤寂。 IDIOMsee fish n. noun [uncountable ] ( formal) a situation in which there is a large supply of food, money, etc. 富裕;充裕 Everyone is happier in times of plenty. 在富足的岁月里,每个人都比较快乐。 We had food and drink in plenty. 我们的食物和饮料十分充足。 determiner ( NAmE or informal) a lot of 很多;大量 There's plenty room for all of you! 这里有足够的地方容纳你们所有人! plenty / ˈplenti ; NAmE ˈplenti /
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