please 英 [pli:z]   美 [pliz]


please  英 [pli:z] 美 [pliz]

v 使喜欢;使高兴  int.  

进行时:pleasing  过去式:pleased  过去分词:pleased  第三人称单数:pleases 

Please do not smoke. 请别抽烟。
Two coffees, please. 请来两杯咖啡。

  • To please someone is to give them pleasure or to make them happy. This is also a word for polite requests like, "Could you please pass the milk?"
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  • v 使喜欢;使高兴
  • int.
  • 1. Please do not smoke.


  • 2. Two coffees, please.


  • 3. Children, please! I'm trying to work.


  • 4. Oh, please! You cannot be serious.


  • 5. He's a difficult man to please.


  • 6. You may stay as long as you please.


  • please (v.) early 14c., "to be agreeable," from Old French plaisir "to please, give pleasure to, satisfy" (11c., Modern French plaire, the form of which is perhaps due to analogy of faire), from Latin placere "to be acceptable, be liked, be approved," related to placare "to soothe, quiet" (source of Spanish placer, Italian piacere), from PIE *pl(e)hk- "to agree, be pleasant," with cognates in Tocharian plak- "to agree," plaki "permission."
please / pliːz ; NAmE pliːz / exclamation , verb please pleases pleased pleasing exclamation 1 used as a polite way of asking for sth or telling sb to do sth (用于客气地请求或吩咐)请,请问 Please sit down. 请坐。 Two coffees, please. 请来两杯咖啡。 Quiet please! 请安静! Please could I leave early today? 请问我今天早走一会儿行吗? 2 used to add force to a request or statement (用于加强请求或陈述的语气)请千万,请务必,的确 Please don't leave me here alone. 请千万别把我一个人留在这儿。 Please, please don't forget. 请务必务必不要忘记呀。 Please, I don't understand what I have to do. 我的确不明白我该做什么。 3 used as a polite way of accepting sth (表示接受的客气话)太感谢了,太好了 ‘Would you like some help?’ ‘Yes, please.’ “您需要帮忙吗?”“是的。太感谢了。” ‘Coffee?’ ‘Please.’ “要咖啡吗?”“那太好了。” 4 Please! ( informal, often humorous) used to ask sb to stop behaving badly (用于让别人停止不规矩行为)别闹了,收敛点儿 Children, please! I'm trying to work. 孩子们,别闹了!我在干活哪。 John! Please! 约翰!老实点儿吧! 5 Please/P-lease / pəˈliːz ; NAmE pəˈliːz / used when you are replying to sb who has said sth that you think is stupid (认为对方说话荒唐时用)得了吧,算了吧 Oh, please! You cannot be serious. 喔,得了吧!你准是在打哈哈。 verb 1 [transitive ,  intransitive ] please(sb) | it pleases sb to do sth to make sb happy 使满意;使愉快 You can't please everybody. 你无法让每个人都满意。 He's a difficult man to please. 他是个难以取悦的人。 There'sjust no pleasing some people (= some people are impossible to please). 有些人你是没法让他们满意的。 I did it to please my parents. 我这么做是要让父母高兴。 She's always very eager to please. 她总是急欲取悦别人。 OPP displease 2 [intransitive ] often used after asor what, where,etc. to mean ‘to want’, ‘to choose’ or ‘to like’ to do sth (常用在 as 或 what、 where 等词后)想,选择,喜欢 You may stay as long as you please. 你想待多久就待多久。 She always does exactly as she pleases. 她总是我行我素。 I'm free now to live wherever I please. 我现在想住哪里就住哪里。 IDIOMS if you ˈplease 1 ( old-fashioned, formal) used when politely asking sb to do sth (用于特别表示客气)请 Take a seat, if you please. 请坐吧。 2 ( old-fashioned) ( especially BrE) used to say that you are annoyed or surprised at sb's actions (用于对某人的行为表示气愤或惊异)你们听听,岂有此理 And now, if you please, he wants me to rewrite the whole thing! 哼!你们听听,他竟要我全部重写! ˌplease the ˈeye to be very attractive to look at 十分悦目 ˌplease ˈGod used to say that you very much hope or wish that sth will happen (表示殷切期望)但愿老天帮忙,上帝保祐 Please God, don't let him be dead. 老天爷呀!千万别让他死啊。 ˌplease yourˈself ( informal) used to tell sb that you are annoyed with them and do not care what they do (表示恼怒和不关心)随你的便,悉听尊便 ‘I don't think I'll bother finishing this.’ ‘Please yourself.’ “我想我不会费力做完这件事。”“随你的便。” ˌplease yourˈself | ˌdo as you ˈplease to be able to do whatever you like 能够随心所欲 There were no children to cook for, so we could just please ourselves. 因为不用给孩子做饭,我们就可以自便了。 please / pliːz ; NAmE pliːz /
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