playoff ['ple,ɔf]  


playoff  ['ple,ɔf]

n. 双方得分相等时的最后决赛;复赛;季后赛 


playoff basketball is back at the Garden, but only for three nights (tops) this season. 麦迪逊花园终于迎来了季后赛,但今年不会超过三场的。
Uruguay took the longest, most difficult route to the World Cup, the last to qualify in South American and only after winning a playoff. No wonder they wanted to stick around so long. 乌拉圭此次的世界杯之路走的很苦很煎熬,在赢得季后赛后,才获得的南美最后一个出线资格,难怪他们坚持不懈到现在。

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  • n. 双方得分相等时的最后决赛;复赛;季后赛
  • 1. playoff basketball is back at the Garden, but only for three nights (tops) this season.


  • 2. Uruguay took the longest, most difficult route to the World Cup, the last to qualify in South American and only after winning a playoff. No wonder they wanted to stick around so long.


  • 3. In 1974, teams traded home court after each playoff game.


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