planet 英 [ˈplænɪt]   美 [ˈplænɪt]


planet  英 [ˈplænɪt] 美 [ˈplænɪt]

n. 行星 


discovered a new planet. 发现了一颗新的行星。
the battle to save the planet 拯救地球的战斗

  • A planet is a celestial body that revolves around a star. In our solar system, Earth is the third planet from the sun.
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  • n. 行星
  • 1. discovered a new planet.


  • 2. the battle to save the planet


  • planet (n.) late Old English planete, from Old French planete (Modern French planète), from Late Latin planeta, from Greek planetes, from (asteres) planetai "wandering (stars)," from planasthai "to wander," a word of uncertain etymology.
planet / ˈplænɪt ; NAmE ˈplænɪt / noun 1 [countable ] a large round object in space that moves around a star (such as the sun) and receives light from it 行星 the planets of our solar system 太阳系的行星 the planet Earth/Venus/Mars 地球;金星;火星 2 the planet [singular ] used to mean ‘the world’, especially when talking about the environment 地球(尤指环境) the battle to save the planet 拯救地球的战斗 IDIOM to be on another ˈplanet | what ˈplanet is sb on? ( informal, humorous) used to suggest that sb's ideas are not realistic or practical (指某人的想法完全不切实际) He thinks being a father is easy. What planet is he on? 他认为做父亲很容易,他真是在做白日梦! planet planets planet / ˈplænɪt ; NAmE ˈplænɪt /
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