pilfer 英 [ˈpɪlfə(r)]   美 [ˈpɪlfɚ]


pilfer  英 [ˈpɪlfə(r)] 美 [ˈpɪlfɚ]

vi. 偷窃;小偷小摸  vt. 窃;偷窃;小偷小摸 

进行时:pilfering  过去式:pilfered  过去分词:pilfered  第三人称单数:pilfers  名词复数:pilfers 

When using an unsecured, "clear text" protocol such as telnet, anyone on the network can pilfer your passwords and other sensitive information. 在使用 telnet 这样的不安全 “明文” 协议时,网络上的任何人都可以窃取您的密码和其他敏感信息。
But the beachgrass provides excellent cover. The mice use the grass to get close enough to pilfer seeds before any hungry birds pilfer the mice. 但滨草会为小鼠提供绝妙的保护,小鼠利用滨草作掩护,就可以在被饿鸟叼走之前凑近目标以便窃取其种子。

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  • vi. 偷窃;小偷小摸
  • vt. 窃;偷窃;小偷小摸
  • 1. When using an unsecured, "clear text" protocol such as telnet, anyone on the network can pilfer your passwords and other sensitive information.

    在使用 telnet 这样的不安全 “明文” 协议时,网络上的任何人都可以窃取您的密码和其他敏感信息。

  • 2. But the beachgrass provides excellent cover. The mice use the grass to get close enough to pilfer seeds before any hungry birds pilfer the mice.


  • 3. They will pilfer its effects and, by next summer, produce a domesticated, more palatable version.


  • pilfer (v.) 1540s, from pilfer (n.) "spoils, booty," c. 1400, from Old French pelfre "booty, spoils" (11c.), of unknown origin, possibly related to pelf. Related: Pilfered; pilfering.
pil·fer / ˈpɪlfə(r) ; NAmE ˈpɪlfər / verb [intransitive ,  transitive ] to steal things of little value or in small quantities, especially from the place where you work 偷窃(小东西);小偷小摸;(尤指员工)偷窃 pilfer(from sb/sth) He was caught pilfering. 他行窃时被抓个正着。 pilfersth (from sb/sth) She regularly pilfered stamps from work. 她常从工作单位顺手牵羊拿走邮票。 pil·fer·age / ˈpɪlfərɪdʒ ; NAmE ˈpɪlfərɪdʒ / noun [uncountable ] ( formal) pilferage of goods 货物盗窃 pil·fer·er pilferer pilferers / ; NAmE / noun Certain types of goods are preferred by pilferers. 某些类型的商品较为小偷所喜欢。 pil·fering / ; NAmE / noun [uncountable ] We know that pilfering goes on. 我们知道常有小偷小摸的事情。 pilfer pilfers pilfered pilfering pil·fer / ˈpɪlfə(r) ; NAmE ˈpɪlfər / pil·fer·age / ˈpɪlfərɪdʒ ; NAmE ˈpɪlfərɪdʒ / pil·fer·er / ; NAmE / pil·fering / ; NAmE /
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