pie 英 [paɪ]   美 [paɪ]


pie  英 [paɪ] 美 [paɪ]

n. 馅饼; 


Hey, free pie! 嘿,免费馅饼!
an apple pie 一块苹果派

  • A pie is a baked dessert with a pastry crust. If your favorite kind of pie is apple, you might order it with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top.
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  • n. 馅饼;
  • 1. Hey, free pie!


  • 2. an apple pie


  • 3. Help yourself to some pie.


pie / paɪ ; NAmE paɪ / noun [countable ,  uncountable ] 1 fruit baked in a dish with pastryon the bottom, sides and top 果馅饼;果馅派 a slice of apple pie 一块苹果派 Help yourself to some more pie. 请随意再吃些果馅饼吧。 a pie dish 一份果馅饼 see also custard pie 2 ( especially BrE) meat, vegetables, etc. baked in a dish with pastryon the bottom, sides and top 肉馅饼;蔬菜馅饼 a steak and kidney pie 牛肉腰子馅饼 see also mince pie , pork pie , shepherd's pie IDIOMS a ˌpiece/ˌslice/ˌshare of the ˈpie a share of sth such as money, profits, etc. (金钱、利润等的)一份;一杯羹 ˌpie in the ˈsky ( informal) an event that sb talks about that seems very unlikely to happen 难以实现的事;幻想的事;空中楼阁 This talk of moving to Australia is all just pie in the sky. 移居澳大利亚之说纯属异想天开。 more at American adj. , easy adj. , eat , finger n. , nice pie pies pied pieing pie / paɪ ; NAmE paɪ /
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