picket line 英 [ˈpikit lain]   美 [ˈpɪkɪt laɪn]

picket line

picket line  英 [ˈpikit lain] 美 [ˈpɪkɪt laɪn]

phrase. 拴马索;哨兵线 

名词复数:picket lines 

The UMWA picket line is rapidly losing ground until they are joined by their wives, sisters, and daughters, who bring new hope and new tactics to the line. UMWA 工会的纠察员本已信心动摇了,但还好他们的老婆,姐妹,女儿带来了新的希望与新的策略来帮助他们继续坚持下去。
I suppose I was being a scab for the first and only time in my life, but the union didn’t have a picket line outside the museum and, besides, politics was the last thing on my mind. 我想这是我一生中第一次也是唯一一次做了罢工破坏者,但是工会在博物馆的外面没有纠察队,再说,我当时根本就没想到政治。

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  • phrase. 拴马索;哨兵线
  • 1. The UMWA picket line is rapidly losing ground until they are joined by their wives, sisters, and daughters, who bring new hope and new tactics to the line.

    UMWA 工会的纠察员本已信心动摇了,但还好他们的老婆,姐妹,女儿带来了新的希望与新的策略来帮助他们继续坚持下去。

  • 2. I suppose I was being a scab for the first and only time in my life, but the union didn’t have a picket line outside the museum and, besides, politics was the last thing on my mind.


  • 3. The miners are trying to get factory workers to join them on the picket line.


ˈpicket line / ; NAmE / noun a line or group of pickets  (1 ) 纠察线;纠察队人墙 Fire crews refused to cross the picket line. 消防人员拒不冲破围厂队伍人墙。 picket line picket lines ˈpicket line / ; NAmE /
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