physiologically [,fiziə'lɔdʒikəli]  


physiologically  [,fiziə'lɔdʒikəli]

adv. 生理学方面 

physiologically I understand what is being written but something inside of me has many reservations. 从生理学上我理解自己写了些什么,但是我内心上还是有许多保留。
But now there is evidence that individualized advice can also be physiologically effective — that it can actually change your neural pathways. 但是现在有证据表明,个性化的建议也可以产生生理影响——事实上它可以改变你的神经通路。

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  • adv. 生理学方面
  • 1. physiologically I understand what is being written but something inside of me has many reservations.


  • 2. But now there is evidence that individualized advice can also be physiologically effective — that it can actually change your neural pathways.


  • 3. The corpulent primates serve as useful models, experts say, because they resemble humans much more than laboratory rats do, not only physiologically but in some of their feeding habits.


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