peripherally   美 [pə'rɪfərəli]


peripherally  美 [pə'rɪfərəli]

adv. 周边地;外围地;次要地 

As blood flow diminishes, vision fails peripherally first. 血流量会减少,视力失败外围第一。
We know that some movements are controlled peripherally, some parameters are set by the brain, and we will do the same thing in our robots. 没参加这项研究的Laschi说:“我们知道,有些运动受外围神经控制,而有些参数是大脑设定的,我们将在我们的机器人身上运用同样的思想。”

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  • adv. 周边地;外围地;次要地
  • 1. As blood flow diminishes, vision fails peripherally first.


  • 2. We know that some movements are controlled peripherally, some parameters are set by the brain, and we will do the same thing in our robots.


  • 3. This article will only peripherally touch on this topic, since our stated goal is extending the JDT.

    本文只是略微提及这个主题,因为我们设定的目标是扩展 JDT。

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