percentile 英 [pə'sentaɪl]   美 [pɚ'sɛntaɪl]


percentile  英 [pə'sentaɪl] 美 [pɚ'sɛntaɪl]

adj. 百分率的;按百等分排列的  n. 百分位 


The resource-poor countries reformed their business and regulatory environments and now rank in the 63rd percentile in those areas worldwide. 资源贫乏的国家改革了他们的商业和管理环境,目前在全世界有关地区排名中列在第63个百分位。
Your child is considered overweight if he or she falls in the 85th to 94th percentiles of the B.M.I. growth charts, and obese if he is in the 95th percentile or higher. 如果您的孩子在体重指数增长表中属于第85至第94百分位,她(她)将会被认为是超重的;如果他(她)位于95百分位或者更高,她(她)将会被认为是肥胖。

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  • adj. 百分率的;按百等分排列的
  • n. 百分位
  • 1. The resource-poor countries reformed their business and regulatory environments and now rank in the 63rd percentile in those areas worldwide.


  • 2. Your child is considered overweight if he or she falls in the 85th to 94th percentiles of the B.M.I. growth charts, and obese if he is in the 95th percentile or higher.


  • 3. Children were considered normal weight if they came in below the 85th percentile on a measurement that considers weight in relation to height.


  • percentile (n.) 1885, coined by English scientist Francis Galton (1822-1911) from percent + -ile.
per·cent·ile / pəˈsentaɪl ; NAmE pərˈsentaɪl / noun ( technical 术语 ) one of the 100 equal groups that a larger group of people can be divided into, according to their place on a scale measuring a particular value 百分位数 Overall these students rank in the 21st percentile on the tests—that is, they did worse than 79 per cent of all children taking the test. 这些考生的总体百分位排名占第 21 位。就是说,79% 的应试儿童比他们考得好。 percentile percentiles per·cent·ile / pəˈsentaɪl ; NAmE pərˈsentaɪl /
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