- The noun pedigree refers to the genetic background of an animal, although it is sometimes applied to people as well. A purebred dog, for example, comes with a verified pedigree, a list of all past parentage.
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- n. 血统;家谱
- adj. 纯种的
1. The service pedigree helps to determine the importance of the service in context of all the services provided.
2. Also know that some people consider the pedigree of the founders when evaluating the potential of certain business plans.
3. This chart, also known as a pedigree, lists members of each generation of your biological family, with all available health and disease information.
- pedigree (n.) early 15c., "genealogical table or chart," from Anglo-French pe de gru, a variant of Old French pied de gru "foot of a crane," from Latin pedem accusative of pes "foot" (from PIE root *ped- "foot") + gruem (nominative grus) "crane," cognate with Greek geranos, Old English cran; see crane (n.)).
pedi·gree / ˈpedɪɡriː ; NAmE ˈpedɪɡriː / noun , adjective pedigree pedigrees noun 1 [countable ] knowledge of or an official record of the animals from which an animal has been bred 动物血统记录;动物纯种系谱 ◆ dogs with good pedigrees (= their ancestorsare known and of the same breed) 纯种的狗 2 [countable , uncountable ] a person's family history or the background of sth, especially when this is impressive 家谱;门第;世系;起源 ◆ She was proud of her long pedigree. 她为自己源远流长的家世而自豪。 ◆ The product has a pedigree going back to the last century. 这项产品的渊源可追溯到上个世纪。 adjective ( BrE) ( NAmE pedi·greed ) [only before noun ] (of an animal 动物 ) coming from a family of the same breed that has been officially recorded for a long time and is thought to be of a good quality 优良品种的;纯种的 ◆ pedigree sheep 纯种绵羊 pedi·gree / ˈpedɪɡriː ; NAmE ˈpedɪɡriː /
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