pearl 英 [pɜ:l]   美 [pɜrl]


pearl  英 [pɜ:l] 美 [pɜrl]

n. 珍珠; 

进行时:pearling  过去式:pearled  过去分词:pearled  第三人称单数:pearls  名词复数:pearls 

pearl Harbour Incident (1941, 12,7) 珍珠港事件
a string of pearls 一挂珍珠

  • A pearl is a white, round gem formed inside an oyster or clam. Pearl can also refer to something that resembles the gem in color or shape, like a pearl of sweat that forms on your forehead when you're hot.
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  • n. 珍珠;
  • 1. pearl Harbour Incident (1941, 12,7)


  • 2. a string of pearls


  • 3. a pearl necklace


  • 4. pearl buttons


  • 5. pearls of dew on the grass


  • 6. She is a pearl among women.


  • 7. Thank you for those pearls of wisdom.


  • pearl (n.) mid-13c., from Old French perle (13c.) and directly from Medieval Latin perla (mid-13c.), of unknown origin. Perhaps from Vulgar Latin *pernula, diminutive of Latin perna, which in Sicily meant "pearl," earlier "sea-mussel," literally "ham, haunch, gammon," so called for the shape of the mollusk shells.
pearl / pɜːl ; NAmE pɜːrl / noun 1 [countable ] a small hard shiny white ball that forms inside the shell of an oysterand is of great value as a jewel 珍珠 a string of pearls 一挂珍珠 a pearl necklace 珍珠项链 She was wearing her pearls (= a necklaceof pearls). 她戴着她的珍珠项链。 see also seed pearl 2 [countable ] a copy of a pearlthat is made artificially 人造珍珠 3 [uncountable ] = mother-of-pearl pearl buttons 珍珠母钮扣 4 [countable ,  usually singular ] a thing that looks like a pearlin shape or colour (形状或颜色)像珍珠之物 pearls of dew on the grass 草上的露珠 5 [countable ] a thing that is very highly valued 极有价值的东西 She is a pearl among women. 她是女中人杰。 IDIOMS cast, throw, etc. pearls before ˈswine to give or offer valuable things to people who do not understand their value 明珠暗投;对牛弹琴 a ˌpearl of ˈwisdom ( usually ironic) a wise remark 睿智的语言;隽语;妙语如珠 Thank you for those pearls of wisdom. 谢谢你的金玉良言。 pearl pearls pearled pearling pearl / pɜːl ; NAmE pɜːrl /
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