payment 英 [ˈpeɪmənt]   美 [ˈpemənt]


payment  英 [ˈpeɪmənt] 美 [ˈpemənt]

n. 付款,支付; 


payment in advance, payment by cheque,  预先╱支票付款
a cash payment 现金付款

  • Payment is the process of either giving money to someone, or of receiving money from someone. If you borrow money to buy a car, you'll be expected to make a monthly payment for several years.
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  • n. 付款,支付;
  • 1. payment in advance, payment by cheque,


  • 2. a cash payment


  • 3. They are finding it difficult to meet the payments on their car.


  • 4. He agreed to make ten monthly payments of £50.

    他同意每月付款 50 英镑,十次付清。

  • 5. Is this all the payment I get for my efforts?


  • payment (n.) late 14c., from Old French paiement (13c.), from paiier (see pay (v.)).
pay·ment / ˈpeɪmənt ; NAmE ˈpeɪmənt / noun 1 [uncountable ] payment(for sth) the act of paying sb/sth or of being paid 付款;支付;收款 payment in instalments/in advance/by cheque/in cash 分期╱预先╱支票╱现金付款 There will be a penalty for late payment of bills. 账单拖延付款要收滞纳金。 2 [countable ] payment(for sth) a sum of money paid or expected to be paid (将付或应付的)款额,款项 a cash payment 现金付款 They are finding it difficult to meet the paymentson their car. 他们感到很难偿付汽车款。 He agreed to make ten monthly paymentsof £50. 他同意每月付款 50 英镑,十次付清。 collocationsat finance see also balance of payments , down payment 3 [uncountable ,  singular ] payment(for sth) a reward or an act of thanks for sth you have done 报答;报偿 SYN recompense We'd like you to accept this gift in payment foryour kindness. 谨以薄礼答谢厚爱,敬请笑纳。 Is this all the payment I get for my efforts? 这就是对我辛劳的全部报偿吗? IDIOM on payment of sth when sth has been paid 付款后 Entry is only allowed on payment of the full registration fee. 缴付全数登记费用方可进入。 SYNONYMS 同义词辨析 payment premium contribution subscription repayment deposit instalment These are all words for an amount of money that you pay or are expected to pay, or for the act of paying. 以上各词均指款额、款项、付款。 payment an amount of money that you pay or are expected to pay; the act of paying 指款额、款项、付款: ten monthly payments of $50 每月付款 50 元,十次付清 payment in advance 预先付款 premium an amount of money that you pay once or regularly for an insurance policy; an extra payment added to the basic rate; a higher amount of money than usual 指保险费、额外费用、附加费、溢价: an insurance premium 保险费 a premium for express delivery 快递附加费 contribution a sum of money that you pay regularly to your employer or the government in order to pay for benefits such as health insurance, a pension, etc. 指(给雇主或政府用作医疗保险、养老金等福利的)定期缴款: You can increase your monthly contributions to the pension plan. 你可以增加你的养老金计划每月供款。 subscription an amount of money you pay in advance to receive regular copies of a newspaper or magazine or to receive a service 指(报刊的)订阅费、订购款,(服务的)用户费: a subscription to ‘Newsweek’ 《新闻周刊》的订阅费 repayment ( BrE) an amount of money that you pay regularly to a bank, etc. until you have returned all the money that you owe; the act of paying this money 指按期偿还的款项、分期偿还、偿还债务、归还借款: the repayments on the loan 贷款的分期偿还额 deposit an amount of money that you pay as the first part of a larger payment 指订金: We've put down a 5% deposit on the house. 我们已支付了房款的 5% 作为订金。 instalment one of a number of payments that you make regularly over a period of time until you have paid for sth 指分期付款的一期付款: We paid for the car by/in instalments. 我们以分期付款买了这辆车。 PATTERNS (a/an) annual / annual payment/premium/contributions/subscription/repayment/deposit/instalment payment/repayment in full to paya(n) premium/contribution/subscription/deposit/instalment to make(a) payment/repayment/deposit to meet / meet (the) payment(s)/the premiums/(the) repayment(s)/the instalments payment payments pay·ment / ˈpeɪmənt ; NAmE ˈpeɪmənt /
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