payback 美['pebæk]  


payback  美['pebæk]

n. 偿付;投资的回收 


Until a few months ago, they had only one choice: develop for each platform independently, picking and choosing which to support, each with huge costs and unknown payback. 直到几个月前,他们还只有一个选择:为不同的手机平台单独开发软件,选择支持哪些平台,花费巨额费用,而得到的回报是一个未知数。
On the positive side, this approach provides flexibility and a basic level of reuse, but the big payback for SOA is not there. 其积极的一面在于,此方法提供了灵活性和基本的重用,但 SOA 的最大的回报并非在于此。

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  • n. 偿付;投资的回收
  • 1. Until a few months ago, they had only one choice: develop for each platform independently, picking and choosing which to support, each with huge costs and unknown payback.


  • 2. On the positive side, this approach provides flexibility and a basic level of reuse, but the big payback for SOA is not there.

    其积极的一面在于,此方法提供了灵活性和基本的重用,但 SOA 的最大的回报并非在于此。

  • 3. "People have to look at what the payback of the education is, " he says. Talk to people already in the profession, and look at state labor statistics to see their average salaries.


  • payback (n.) also pay-back, 1946, "net return on profits from an investment," from pay (v.) + back (adj.). Meaning "revenge" is attested from 1957.
pay·back / ˈpeɪbæk ; NAmE ˈpeɪbæk / noun [countable ,  uncountable ] 1 the money that you receive back on money that you have invested (especially when this is equal to the amount that you invested to start with); the time that it takes to get your money back 本金返还;还本;投资的回收期 a 10-year payback *10 年的投资回收期 2 the advantage or reward that sb receives for sth they have done; the act of paying sth back 报偿;回报 His victory was seen as payback for all the hard work he'd put in during training. 他的胜利被视为训练期间所有辛苦努力的回报。 ( informal) It's payback time! (= a person will have to suffer for what they have done) 现在该遭到报应了! payback paybacks pay·back / ˈpeɪbæk ; NAmE ˈpeɪbæk /
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