part 英 [pɑ:t]   美 [pɑrt]


part  英 [pɑ:t] 美 [pɑrt]

n. 部分;零件;片段  vt. 离开;分开 

进行时:parting  过去式:parted  过去分词:parted  第三人称单数:parts  名词复数:parts 

We spent part of the time in the museum. 我们花了一部份时间在博物馆。
Part of the building was destroyed in the fire. 大楼的一部份毁于火灾。

  • A part is a section or portion of something larger. When you injure a body part, you only hurt one arm or foot, rather than your entire body.
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  • n. 部分;零件;片段
  • vt. 离开;分开
  • 1. We spent part of the time in the museum.


  • 2. Part of the building was destroyed in the fire.


  • 3. The novel is good in parts.


  • 4. You need to be able to work as part of a team.


  • 5. aircraft parts


  • 6. spare parts


  • 7. the parts of the body


  • 8. the northern part of the country


  • 9. She was very good in the part.


  • 10. He had no part inthe decision.


  • 11. Add three parts wine to one part water.


  • part (n.) mid-13c., "division, portion of a whole," from Old French part "share, portion; character; power, dominion; side, way, path," from Latin partem (nominative pars) "a part, piece, a share, a division; a party or faction; a part of the body; a fraction; a function, office," related to portio "share, portion," from PIE root *pere-(2) "to grant, allot."
  • part (v.) c. 1200, "to divide into parts; separate oneself," from Old French partir "to divide, separate" (10c.), from Latin partire/partiri "to share, part, distribute, divide," from pars "a part, piece, a share" (from PIE root *pere-(2) "to grant, allot").
part / pɑːt ; NAmE pɑːrt / noun , verb , adverb part parts parted parting noun some 一些 1 [uncountable ] partof sth some but not all of a thing 部份 We spent part of the time in the museum. 我们花了一部份时间在博物馆。 Part of the building was destroyed in the fire. 大楼的一部份毁于火灾。 Voters are given only part of the story (= only some of the information). 只对选民透露了部份情况。 Part of mefeels sorry for him (= I feel partly, but not entirely, sorry for him). 我有点同情他。 piece 片段 2 [countable ] a section, piece or feature of sth 片段;部份;一点 The early part of her life was spent in Paris. 她年轻时生活在巴黎。 The novel is good in parts. 小说的一些章节不错。 We've done the difficult part of the job. 我们已完成了工作的困难部份。 The procedure can be divided into two parts. 这一程序可以分为两部份。 The worst part was having to wait three hours in the rain. 最糟糕的是必须在雨中等待三个小时。 member 成员 3 [uncountable ] a member of sth; a person or thing that, together with others, makes up a single unit 成员;成分 You need to be able to work as part of a team. 你必须能作为团队的一员去工作。 of machine 机器 4 [countable ] a piece of a machine or structure 部件;零件 aircraft parts 飞行器零件 the working parts of the machinery 机器的运作部件 spare parts 备用零件 of body/plant 身体;植物 5 [countable ] a separate piece or area of a human or animal body or of a plant 器官;部位;组成部份 the parts of the body 身体各部位 see also private parts region/area 地区;区域 6 [countable ] an area or a region of the world, a country, a town, etc. (世界、国家或城镇等的)区域,地区 the northern part of the country 这个国家的北部地区 a plant that grows in many parts of the world 生长在世界许多地区的一种植物 Which part of Japan do you come from? 你是日本哪个地区的人? Come and visit us if you're ever in our part of the world. 什么时候到我们这个地方来,请来看看我们。 7 parts [plural ] ( old-fashioned, informal) a region or an area 区域;地区 She's not from these parts. 她不是这一带的人。 He's just arrived back from foreign parts. 他刚从外地回来。 of book/series 书;系列片 8 [countable ] ( ) a section of a book, television series, etc, especially one that is published or broadcast separately (书、电视系列片等的、尤指单独发行或播出的)部,集,部份 an encyclopedia published in 25 weekly parts 每周出版一部,共 25 部的百科全书。 Henry IV, Part II 《亨利四世》第二篇 The final part will be shown next Sunday evening. 最后一集将于下星期天晚上播出。 for actor 演员 9 [countable ] a role played by an actor in a play, film/movie, etc; the words spoken by an actor in a particular role 角色;台词 She was very good in the part. 她这个角色演得很好。 Have you learned your part yet? 你记住你的台词了吗? ( figurative) He's always playing a part (= pretending to be sth that he is not). 他总是装模作样的。 involvement 参与 10 [countable ,  usually singular ,  uncountable ] the way in which sb/sth is involved in an action or situation 参加;参与 He had no part inthe decision. 他没有参与这项决定。 in music 音乐 11 [countable ] music for a particular voice or instrument in a group singing or playing together 部;声部;音部;段落 the clarinet part 单簧管部 four-part harmony 四部和声 equal portion 等份 12 [countable ] a unit of measurement that allows you to compare the different amounts of substances in sth (度量单位的)等份,份 Add three parts wine to one part water. 一份水兑上三份葡萄酒。 in hair 发式 13 ( NAmE) ( BrE part·ing ) [countable ] a line on a person's head where the hair is divided with a comb (头发的)分缝,发缝,分线 IDIOMS the best/better part of sth most of sth, especially a period of time; more than half of sth (事物、时间的)绝大部份,多半 The journey took her the better part of an hour. 旅程花去了她半个多小时。 for the ˈmost part mostly; usually 多半;通常 The contributors are, for the most part, professional scientists. 投稿者大多是专业科学家。 language bank at generally for ˈmy, ˈhis, ˈtheir, etc. part speaking for myself, etc. 就我(或他、他们等)而言 SYN personally have a part to ˈplay (in sth) to be able to help sth 能帮助,能在…中发挥作用 We all have a part to play in the fight against crime. 打击犯罪,我们大家都有一份责任。 have/play a ˈpart (in sth) to be involved in sth 参与某事 She plays an active part in local politics. 她积极参与地方政治活动。 have/play/take/want no ˈpart in/of sth to not be involved or refuse to be involved in sth, especially because you disapprove of it 不参与,不卷入,拒绝加入(尤指不赞成的事情) I want no part of this sordid business. 我决不想卷入这一卑鄙勾当。 in ˈpart partly; to some extent 部份地;在某种程度上 Her success was due in part to luck. 她的成功在某种程度上是由于运气好。 look/dress the ˈpart to have an appearance or wear clothes suitable for a particular job, role or position 外貌╱穿着与工作(或身分、职务)相宜 a man/woman of (many) ˈparts a person with many skills 多才多艺的人;多面手 on the part of sb/on sb's part made or done by sb 由某人所为 It was an error on my part. 那是我的过失。 part and parcel of sth an essential part of sth 重要部份;基本部份 Keeping the accounts is part and parcel of my job. 记账是我的主要工作。 part of the ˈfurniture a person or thing that you are so used to seeing that you no longer notice them 见惯了的人(或东西);存在已久故不为人注意的人(或事物) I worked there so long that I became part of the furniture. 我在那里工作得太久,都不为人注意了。 take sth in good ˈpart ( BrE) to accept sth slightly unpleasant without complaining or being offended 从容面对,不介意地接受(不太愉快的事) take ˈpart (in sth) to be involved in sth 参与某事 SYN participate to take part in a discussion/demonstration/fight/celebration 参加讨论╱示威╱战斗╱庆祝 How many countries took part in the last Olympic Games? 有多少国家参加了上届奥运会? take sb's ˈpart ( BrE) to support sb, for example in an argument (在辩论等中)支持某人,站在某人一边 SYN side with His mother always takes his part. 他母亲总是护着他。 more at discretion , large adj. , sum n. verb leave sb 离开某人 1 [intransitive ] ( formal) if a person partsfrom another person, or two people part,they leave each other 离开;分别 We parted at the airport. 我们在机场分手了。 I hate to part on such bad terms. 我讨厌以那么恶劣的方式分手。 partfrom sb He has recently parted from his wife (= they have started to live apart). 他最近与妻子分居了。 see also parting adj. keep apart 隔离 2 [transitive ,  often passive ] partsb (from sb) ( formal) to prevent sb from being with sb else 分离;分开;隔离 I hate being parted from the children. 我不愿与孩子们分开。 The puppies were parted from their mother at birth. 小狗崽儿一出生就和它们的妈妈分开了。 move away 移开 3 [intransitive ,  transitive ] if two things or parts of things partor you partthem, they move away from each other 分散;分开;解散 The crowd parted in front of them. 人群在他们面前分开了。 The elevator doors parted and out stepped the President. 电梯门打开了,总统从里面步出。 partsth Her lips were slightly parted. 她的嘴唇微微张开。 She parted the curtains a little and looked out. 她略扒开窗帘,向外张望。 hair 头发 4 [transitive ] partsth to divide your hair into two sections with a comb,creating a line that goes from the back of your head to the front 分开;梳成分头 He parts his hair in the middle. 他梳着中分头。 see also parting n.  (2 ) IDIOM part ˈcompany (with/from sb) 1 to leave sb; to end a relationship with sb 离开;分手;断绝关系 This is where we part company (= go in different directions). 这就是我们分手的地方。 The band have parted company with their manager. 乐队与其经理人已散伙了。 The band and their manager have parted company. 乐队与其经理人已散伙了。 2 to disagree with sb about sth (与某人)有意见分歧 Weber parted company with Marx on a number of important issues. 韦伯与马克思在若干重大问题上意见有分歧。 more at fool n. PHRASAL VERB ˈpart with sth to give sth to sb else, especially sth that you would prefer to keep 放弃,交出(尤指不舍得的东西) Make sure you read the contract before parting with any money. 一定要注意先看清合约再交钱。 adverb ( often in compounds 常构成复合词 ) consisting of two things; to some extent but not completely 由两部份构成;在一定程度上;部份地 She's part French, part English. 她是英法血统各半。 His feelings were part anger, part relief. 他感到既愤怒,又解脱。 The course is part funded by the European Commission. 这个课程由欧洲委员会部份出资赞助。 He is part owner of a farm in France. 他拥有法国某农场的一部份。 part / pɑːt ; NAmE pɑːrt /
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