parent 英 [ˈpeərənt]   美 [ˈperənt]


parent  英 [ˈpeərənt] 美 [ˈperənt]

n. 父亲(或母亲);父母亲 


her adoptive parents 她的养父母
Sue and Ben have recently become parents. 苏和本最近当了爸爸妈妈了。

  • A parent is a mother or father. Your mom and your dad are your parents, and one of their jobs is to parent you.
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  • n. 父亲(或母亲);父母亲
  • 1. her adoptive parents


  • 2. Sue and Ben have recently become parents.


  • 3. the parent company


  • parent (n.) early 15c. (late 12c. as a surname), from Old French parent "father, parent, relative, kin" (11c.), from Latin parentem (nominative parens) "father or mother, ancestor," noun use of present participle of parire "bring forth, give birth to, produce," from PIE root *pere-(1) "to produce, bring forth." Began to replace native elder after c. 1500.
  • parent (v.) 1660s, from parent (n.). Related: Parented; parenting.
par·ent / ˈpeərənt ; NAmE ˈperənt / noun 1 [usually plural ] a person's father or mother 父亲;母亲 He's still living with his parents. 他还和父母住在一起。 her adoptive parents 她的养父母 Sue and Ben have recently become parents. 苏和本最近当了爸爸妈妈了。 see also one-parent family , single parent , step-parent 2 an animal or a plant which produces other animals or plants (动、植物的)亲本,亲代,父本,母本 the parent bird/tree 亲代鸟╱树 3 ( often used as an adjective 常用作形容词 ) an organization that produces and owns or controls smaller organizations of the same type 创始机构;母公司;总部 a parent bank and its subsidiaries 总行及其附属银行 the parent company 母公司 parent parents parented parenting par·ent / ˈpeərənt ; NAmE ˈperənt /
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