paramilitary 英 [ˌpærəˈmɪlətri]   美 [ˌpærəˈmɪləteri]


paramilitary  英 [ˌpærəˈmɪlətri] 美 [ˌpærəˈmɪləteri]

adj. 准军事的;辅助军事的  n. 准军事部队 


But it would seem to be clear that they certainly had been abroad and they certainly had paramilitary training of some sort. 但看来很清楚的是他们肯定到过国外,他们肯定受到过某种准军事方面的训练。
As for the revelations about paramilitary infiltration of politics, the officials argue that these have come to light only because of the climate of greater security in the country. 至于那些被揭露出的、准军事组织对政界的渗透,官方辩称,这些事被公诸于众,仅仅是因为国家内部有着更为安定的气氛。

  • A group that's described as being paramilitary resembles an organized army. During the American Revolutionary War, the minutemen were a paramilitary group that fought in the earliest battles.
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  • adj. 准军事的;辅助军事的
  • n. 准军事部队
  • 1. But it would seem to be clear that they certainly had been abroad and they certainly had paramilitary training of some sort.


  • 2. As for the revelations about paramilitary infiltration of politics, the officials argue that these have come to light only because of the climate of greater security in the country.


para·mili·tary / ˌpærəˈmɪlətri ; NAmE ˌpærəˈmɪləteri / adjective , noun paramilitary paramilitaries adjective [usually before noun ] 1 a paramilitaryorganization is an illegal group that is organized like an army 非法军事组织的 a right-wing paramilitary group 一个右翼非法军事集团 2 helping the official army of a country 辅助军事的;准军事的 paramilitary police, such as the CRS in France 法国的共和国保安部队之类的军事辅助警察 noun [usually plural ] ( plural para·mili·taries ) 1 a member of an illegal paramilitarygroup or organization 非法军事集团(或组织)的成员 2 a member of an organization that helps the official army of a country 辅助军事组织的成员;准军事组织的成员 para·mili·tary / ˌpærəˈmɪlətri ; NAmE ˌpærəˈmɪləteri /
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