para 英 ['pærə]   美 ['pærə]


para  英 ['pærə] 美 ['pærə]

n. 帕拉(南斯拉夫币);帕拉胶  abbr. 伞兵(=paratrooper);段(=paragraph) 


The accused farms include the Espirito Santo farm in para state, which the Guardian visited in an undercover investigation with Greenpeace last month. 被起诉的牧场包括帕拉州的圣埃斯皮里图牧场,上个月,《卫报》连同绿色和平组织进行秘密调查时探访过该牧场。
The rains also prompted the temporary closure of a railway that takes iron ore from the sprawling Carajas mine in the neighbouring jungle state of para. 从卡拉加斯大铁矿运输铁矿石到邻近的热带雨林帕拉州的铁路也因为暴雨暂时关闭。

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  • n. 帕拉(南斯拉夫币);帕拉胶
  • abbr. 伞兵(=paratrooper);段(=paragraph)
  • 1. The accused farms include the Espirito Santo farm in para state, which the Guardian visited in an undercover investigation with Greenpeace last month.


  • 2. The rains also prompted the temporary closure of a railway that takes iron ore from the sprawling Carajas mine in the neighbouring jungle state of para.


  • 3. This simple approach can't be used for patterns that use positional predicates; for example chapter/para[last()], which only matches a para element if it is the last one in a chapter.

    该简单方法不能用于使用位置谓词的模式;例如 chapter/para[last()] ,它只匹配 para 元素,如果该元素是某一章的最后一个元素。

para / ˈpærə ; NAmE ˈpærə / noun ( informal) = paratrooper para paras para / ˈpærə ; NAmE ˈpærə /
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