oversize 英 ['əʊvəsaɪz]   美 [ˈovɚˌsaɪz]


oversize  英 ['əʊvəsaɪz] 美 [ˈovɚˌsaɪz]

adj. 太大的;超大型的  n. 特大号 

A shaggy, oversize stuffed toy dog lay in front of the television set. 一个毛茸茸的特大号玩具狗摆放在了电视机前。
He wore a baseball cap with a brim that poked out like an oversize duck's bill like the Cyrano of duck bills the crown of which read "They spy on you". 他戴着一顶棒球帽,突出的帽檐就像是一个特大号的鸭嘴,像是“大鼻子情圣”西拉诺的鸭舌帽一样,帽顶上写着“他们正在监视着你”。

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  • adj. 太大的;超大型的
  • n. 特大号
  • 1. A shaggy, oversize stuffed toy dog lay in front of the television set.


  • 2. He wore a baseball cap with a brim that poked out like an oversize duck's bill like the Cyrano of duck bills the crown of which read "They spy on you".


  • 3. 'You invest, just like you do at a big company, ' he said, comparing top players to a sort of oversize tunneling machines he buys at his construction company.

    他说,投资就像是在大公司做事一样。 他把顶尖选手比作是他的建筑公司所购买的特大型隧道掘进机。

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