overproduction [,ovɚprə'dʌkʃən]  


overproduction  [,ovɚprə'dʌkʃən]

n. 生产过剩;过度产生 


In order to supply products to the final customer, the process needs to produce parts and make them flow to the downstream, but not too much, as overproduction is considered the worst waste. 为了给最终用户提供产品,这一工序需要生产零部件并将其流向下游,但是不能生产太多,因为生产过剩被认为是最糟糕的浪费。
It would also move away from traditional subsidies and production quotas - and eventually scrap a practice of making farmers set aside 10 percent of their land due to overproduction. 欧盟还将逐步减少传统的补贴和生产配额,最终取消那种让农场主为了防止生产过剩而让10%的土地休耕的做法。

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  • n. 生产过剩;过度产生
  • 1. In order to supply products to the final customer, the process needs to produce parts and make them flow to the downstream, but not too much, as overproduction is considered the worst waste.


  • 2. It would also move away from traditional subsidies and production quotas - and eventually scrap a practice of making farmers set aside 10 percent of their land due to overproduction.


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