overlying ['ovɚ'lai]  


overlying  ['ovɚ'lai]

n. 上覆盖,叠加(overlie的现在分词)  adj. 上覆盖的 

On clear winter nights, the ground and overlying air cool off rapidly, especially at high elevations. 在冬季晴朗的夜晚,地面和上方的空气迅速冷却,在高海拔地区更加明显。
were caused by weak sediment at the shore collapsing and sliding along the seafloor, displacing the overlying water, according to the study, published 但是根据发表在本月(10月10日)的《自然•地球科学》上的这项研究,在今年1月导致大约20万人死亡的海地7级大地震期间观测到的小型海啸是由海岸附近脆弱的沉积层崩溃、滑向海底并赶走了上层的海水导致的。

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  • n. 上覆盖,叠加(overlie的现在分词)
  • adj. 上覆盖的
  • 1. On clear winter nights, the ground and overlying air cool off rapidly, especially at high elevations.


  • 2. were caused by weak sediment at the shore collapsing and sliding along the seafloor, displacing the overlying water, according to the study, published


  • 3. Relieved of the overlying pressure, the volcano ejected a blast of rocks, ash, gas, and steam that blew down and buried several hundred square miles of forest.


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