overgrowth ['ovɚ'groθ]  


overgrowth  ['ovɚ'groθ]

n. 增生;繁茂;生长过度;过度发育 


It’s not only one of the healthiest whole grains, it actually helps to reduce bacterial overgrowth in the mouth. 小米不仅是最健康的全谷类食物之一,实际上还有助于阻碍口腔中的细菌过度繁殖。
Cancer is directly connected with candida (yeast overgrowth), and candida is also directly involved in many other diseases and the degeneration of the body. 癌症与念珠菌(酵母菌的过度繁殖)有直接关系,而念珠菌又与许多其它的疾病以及身体的退化有直接联系。

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  • n. 增生;繁茂;生长过度;过度发育
  • 1. It’s not only one of the healthiest whole grains, it actually helps to reduce bacterial overgrowth in the mouth.


  • 2. Cancer is directly connected with candida (yeast overgrowth), and candida is also directly involved in many other diseases and the degeneration of the body.


  • 3. "The relationship between increased neuron count, brain overgrowth, and increased brain weight in autism is complex," Lange wrote in accompanying editorial.

    Lange 在附随的期刊社论中写道:“增长的神经元数目,大脑的过度增长以及增加的大脑重量之间的关系错综复杂。”

over·growth / ˈəʊvəɡrəʊθ ; NAmE ˈoʊvərɡroʊθ / noun [uncountable ,  singular ] ( technical 术语 ) too much growth of sth, especially sth that grows on or over sth else 增生;疯长 overgrowth overgrowths over·growth / ˈəʊvəɡrəʊθ ; NAmE ˈoʊvərɡroʊθ /
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