outraged 英 ['autreidʒid]  


outraged  英 ['autreidʒid]

adj. 义愤填膺的;愤慨的,气愤的  v. 使愤怒(outrage的过去式,过去分词) 

But I hope everyone can become outraged again and refuse to live like this. 但是我希望每个人能够再次感到愤怒,拒绝这样的生活。
It has become the face of corporate greed, and Obama is doing all he can to convince Americans that he’s as outraged as they are. 这家公司已经成为贪心机构的代表,而奥巴马能做的全部也就是让美国人相信,自己与他们同样义愤填膺。

  • When you're outraged, you're furious. You might be outraged over the rude treatment you get at a fancy, expensive restaurant.
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  • adj. 义愤填膺的;愤慨的,气愤的
  • v. 使愤怒(outrage的过去式,过去分词)
  • 1. But I hope everyone can become outraged again and refuse to live like this.


  • 2. It has become the face of corporate greed, and Obama is doing all he can to convince Americans that he’s as outraged as they are.


  • 3. But before we get outraged at the corruption of it all, we should give everyone involved the benefit of the doubt and consider how this might have happened without evil influences.


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