out 英 [aʊt]   美 [aʊt]


out  英 [aʊt] 美 [aʊt]

adv. 出现;在外;出局;出声地;不流行地  adj. 外面的;出局的;下台的  n. 出局 

进行时:outing  过去式:outed  过去分词:outed  第三人称单数:outs  名词复数:outs 

Water is coming out from that house. 水从那屋子里流出来。
to call/cry/shout out 大声叫╱哭╱喊

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  • adv. 出现;在外;出局;出声地;不流行地
  • adj. 外面的;出局的;下台的
  • n. 出局
  • prep. 向;离去
  • vi. 出来;暴露
  • vt. 使熄灭;驱逐
  • 1. Water is coming out from that house.


  • 2. to call/cry/shout out


  • 3. We're out of milk.


  • 4. He ran out the door.


  • 5. I asked out of curiosity.


  • 6. One by one they got out.


  • 7. Don't lean out of the window.


  • 8. You scored six out of ten.


  • 9. I called Liz but she was out.


  • 10. When does her new book come out?


out / aʊt ; NAmE aʊt / adverb , preposition , noun , adjective , verb adverb , preposition HELP  For the special uses of outin phrasal verbs, look at the entries for the verbs. For example burst outis in the phrasal verb section at burst. *out 在短语动词中的特殊用法见有关动词词条。如 burst out 在词条 burst 的短语动词部份。 1 out(of sth) away from the inside of a place or thing (从…里)出来 She ran out into the corridor. 她跑出来,冲进走廊。 She shook the bag and some coins fell out. 她抖了抖袋子,几个硬币掉了出来。 I got out of bed. 我起了床。 He opened the box and out jumpeda frog. 他打开盒子,从里面跳出一只青蛙来。 Out you go! (= used to order sb to leave a room) 滚出去! ( informal) He ran out the door. 他跑出门去。 2 out(of sth) (of people ) away from or not at home or their place of work 不在家;不在工作地点;外出 I called Liz but she was out. 我打电话给利兹,但她不在家。 Let's go out this evening (= for example to a restaurant or club). 咱们今天晚上出去吧。 We haven't had a night outfor weeks. 我们已经好几个星期晚上没出去过了。 Mr Green is out of town this week. 格林先生本周到外地去了。 3 out(of sth) away from the edge of a place 出去;离开(某地)边缘 The boy dashed out into the road. 男孩子向路中间冲去。 Don't lean out of the window. 不要探出窗外。 4 out(of sth) a long or a particular distance away from a place or from land 远离(某地或陆地);离(某地或陆地) She's working out in Australia. 她远在澳大利亚工作。 He lives right out in the country. 他住在远离此地的乡间。 The boats are all out at sea. 船只全都出海了。 The ship sank ten miles out of Stockholm. 那条船沉没在距斯德哥尔摩十英里外海。 5 out(of sth) used to show that sth/sb is removed from a place, job, etc. 除掉;清除 This detergent is good for getting stains out. 这种洗涤剂能清除斑渍。 We want this government out. 我们想要这任政府下台。 He got thrown out of the restaurant. 他被逐出了餐馆。 6 outof sth/sb used to show that sth comes from or is obtained from sth/sb (表示来源)从,用…制作 He drank his beer out of the bottle. 他从瓶口直接喝啤酒。 a statue made out of bronze 一尊青铜像 a romance straight out of a fairy tale 直接从童话改编的浪漫故事 I paid for the damage out of my savings. 我用自己的积蓄赔偿了损失。 We'll get the truth out of her. 我们会从她那里套出实情。 7 outof sth used to show that sb/sth does not have any of sth 没有;缺少 We're out of milk. 我们没有牛奶了。 He's been out of workfor six months. 他已经失业六个月了。 You're out of luck—she left ten minutes ago. 你真不走运,她十分钟前才离开。 8 outof sth used to show that sb/sth is not or no longer in a particular state or condition (表示不在原状态)脱离,离开 Try and stay out of trouble. 尽量别惹麻烦。 I watched the car until it was out of sight. 我目送汽车,直到看不见为止。 9 out(of sth) used to show that sb is no longer involved in sth (表示不再参与某事)脱离 It was an awful job and I'm glad to be out of it. 那件差事简直是受罪,我很高兴摆脱掉了。 He gets out of the army in a few weeks. 几周之后他就要离开部队。 They'll be out (= of prison)on bail in no time. 他们马上就要获得保释出狱。 Brown goes on to the semi-finals but Lee is out. 布朗进入了半决赛,但李被淘汰了。 10 outof sth used to show the reason why sth is done (表示原因)因为,出于 I asked out of curiosity. 我因为好奇问了问。 She did it out of spite. 她那么做是出于恶意。 11 outof sth from a particular number or set 从(某个数目或集)中 You scored six out of ten. 总分十分你得了六分。 Two out of three people think the President should resign. 有三分之二的人认为总统应当辞职。 12 (of a book, etc. 书籍等 ) not in the library; borrowed by sb else 不在图书馆;已借出 The book you wanted is out on loan. 你要的那本书借出去了。 13 (of the tide 海潮 ) at or towards its lowest point on land 在退潮期;退潮 I like walking on the wet sand when the tide is out. 我喜欢退潮后走在湿润的沙滩上。 14 if the sun, moon or stars are or come out,they can be seen from the earth and are not hidden by clouds (日、月、星辰)出现,未被云遮住 15 (of flowers 花朵 ) fully open 开放 There should be some snowdrops out by now. 现在应该有雪花莲开放了。 16 available to everyone; known to everyone 公开;发行 When does her new book come out? 她的新书什么时候出版? Wordalways gets out (= people find out about things)no matter how careful you are. 无论你多么小心,总会有消息走漏。 Out with it! (= say what you know) 你就说出来吧! 17 clearly and loudly so that people can hear 大声地 to call/cry/shout out 大声叫╱哭╱喊 Read it out loud. 请大声朗读。 Nobody spoke outin his defence. 没有人站出来替他辩护。 18 ( informal) having told other people that you are homosexual 已公开同性恋身分 I had been out since I was 17. 我从 17 岁起就公开我是同性恋。 19 (in cricket, baseball,etc. 板球、棒球等 ) if a team or team member is out,it is no longer their turn with the bat 出局 The West Indies were all out for364 (= after scoring 364 runsin cricket). 西印度群岛队以 364 分全队出局。 20 (in tennis,etc. 网球等 ) if the ball is out,it landed outside the line 出界 The umpire said the ball was out. 裁判员判球出界。 21 out(in sth) not correct or exact; wrong 错误;不准确 I was slightly out in my calculations. 我的计算出了点小错。 Your guess was a long way out (= completely wrong). 你的猜测完全错了。 The estimate was out bymore than $100. 这个估计差了 100 多元。 22 not possible or not allowed 不可能;不允许 Swimming is out until the weather gets warmer. 天气转暖前,游泳是不可能的。 23 not fashionable 过时 Black is out this year. 今年黑色不时兴了。 24 (of fire, lights or burning materials 火、灯光、燃烧物等 ) not or no longer burning or lit 熄灭 Suddenly all the lights went out. 突然间所有的灯光都灭了。 The fire had burnt itself out. 炉火烧尽熄灭了。 25 at an end 结束 It was summer and school was out. 夏天,学校放假了。 She was to regret her words before the day was out. 她天黑前就会为自己说的话后悔。 26 unconscious 无知觉;昏迷 He was out for more than an hour and came round in the hospital. 他昏迷了一个多小时,在医院才苏醒过来。 She was knocked out cold. 她完全被打昏了。 27 ( BrE) ( informal) on strike 罢工 28 to the end; completely 到底;完全地 Hear me outbefore you say anything. 你听我说完再讲话。 We left them to fight it out (= settle a disagreement by fighting or arguing). 我们让他们争吵下去,争出个输赢。 see also all-out IDIOMS be out for sth/to do sth to be trying to get or do sth 试图得到(或做) I'm not out for revenge. 我不是来寻报复的。 She's out for what she can get (= trying to get something for herself). 她力图得到自己能得的。 The company is out to capture the Canadian market. 这家公司竭尽全力抢占加拿大市场。 ˌout and aˈbout ( BrE) 1 able to go outside again after an illness 病愈后能外出走动 2 travelling around a place 遍游某地 We've been out and about talking to people all over the country. 我们游遍了全国,和各地的人交谈。 ˈout of here ( informal) going or leaving 走;离去;离开 As soon as I get my money I'm out of here! 我一拿到钱就走! ˈout of it ( informal) 1 sad because you are not included in sth (觉得自己是外人而)不是味儿 We've only just moved here so we feel a little out of it. 我们刚搬到这里,所以心里觉得有点不适应。 2 not aware of what is happening, usually because of drinking too much alcohol, or taking drugs (因酒或药物作用而对周围事情)茫然不觉,昏昏然 noun [singular ] a way of avoiding having to do sth 回避的方法;托辞;出路 She was desperately looking for an out. 她在拚命找一条脱身之计。 IDIOMsee in n. adjective ( informal) having told other people that you are homosexual 已公开同性恋身分的 an out gay man 已公开同性恋身分的男子 verb outsb to say publicly that sb is homosexual,especially when they would prefer to keep the fact a secret 揭露,公布(同性恋者) He is the latest politician to be outed by gay activists. 他是被同性恋维权人士新近揭露的同性恋政治人物。 out / aʊt ; NAmE aʊt /
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